Flicka Passages

If you have any cruising information or passage logs for your Flicka please get in touch with the web caption on the contacts page.

Below are listed all Flickas that do have passage information.


flicka amazing grace port.JPG

Was in Long Beach CA, sailed channel islands catalina several times. San Diego now in Florida space coast. 


flicka atmani bows.JPG

Atmani was originally called Windbourne, and was sailed on the coast of Connecticut and up the Hudson River. She is now located in British Columbia on central Vancouver Island and has made a number of passages up and down the Strait of Georgia, as far south as the San Juan islands and as far north as Desolation Sound and Toba Inlet.


flicka ben main jr

Lake Michigan and Lake Huron: Beaver Island, Grand Traverse Bay, Mackinac Island, Lake Charlevoix, Les Cheneaux Islands. 


BETTY JANE in the South Pacific

Owner John Welch made the following passages: Newport Beach, CA to Hawaii, 2,310 miles, 26 days (average day's run 89 miles); Hawaii to Tahiti, 2,430 miles, 38 days (average day's run 64 miles); Tahiti to Hawaii, 2,650 miles, 35 days (averages day's run 76 miles); Hawaii to Palmyra, 1,020 miles, 10 days (average day's run 100 miles); Palmyra to Hawaii, 1,250 miles, 19 days (average day's run 66 miles).


s/v Blue Skies




flicka caraway bows

Caraway was purchased new by Julian Vyner and shipped to Cornwall in the UK in 1993. Robin Benjamin looked after Caraway for a couple of years and sailed her to various destinations along the South Coast of England for her owner. She survived a gale off Portland Bill where she was knocked down running before big seas but emerged unscathed. She sailed the full length of the English Channel and cruised from Burnham on Crouch on the East Coast north of the Thames. There is a picture of her in an early Flicka Friends issue sailing under Tower Bridge in the heart of the City of London!

After  some years of occasional use, she was bought by Angus Beare in 2002. Her new owner sailed her back to Chichester on the South Coast where she given an overhaul and sailed regularly in the solent. She was then sailed to Brighton for a summer where she sailed most weekends taking friends on short fishing trips under sail.

In June 2003, Angus Beare and Robin Benjamin sailed Caraway across the English Channel to Calais where the mast was lowered and supported on deck and Caraway entered the French canals. Caraway continued to Reims where Robin took the train home to St Tropez and Angus took Caraway the rest of the way through France, emerging at Aigues Mortes in the Camargue region after some 600 miles of canals and over 200 locks.  You can read about the Flicka in France adventure here.

The mast was stepped at Port Camargue and the sails bent on and Caraway made ready for the sea again.

Angus sailed Caraway alone along the French coast to the Bay of St. Tropez. The following year she sailed back and forth along the south coast of France from Cannes to Toulon, following the local coastal winds.

In 2005, CARAWAY sailed from Cannes to Corsica (with new crew member Nina) (100) miles and encountered an unforecast summer mistral with winds reaching force 8 and very large seas some 35 miles from the north Corsican coast. She survived unscathed and relieved to arrive at Calvi early in the morning. After a few nights in Calvi, Caraway sailed on around the north coast, down the West Coast, through the straights of Bonifaccio and up the West coast to Ajaccio, stopping at various anchorages and ports along the way. From Ajaccio she sailed to Mahon in Minorca (250) miles and then circumnavigated Minorca. In Sept 2005 she was sailed single handed by Angus from Fornells Bay in Minorca back to the Bay of St Tropez (240 miles).

Caraway was then sailed for another season along the French coast with Nina joining in Cannes. She was then sailed from Bandol across to Minorca; again seeing whales and dolphins along the way. Caraway was laid up for the winter in a yard in Minorca and then worked on by Angus in May and September. She went back in the water in September and was sailed back to France in October by Angus single handed again (240 miles). She remained on a mooring in Port Grimaud for the winter.

The following season Caraway was sailed by Angus and Nina from Port Grimaud to Cannes. From Cannes all the way West via Freol, Marseille, Port Camargue, Port Vendres etc to the Spanish coast. With many other stops along the way.

From Estertit on the Spanish coast she crossed to Fornells, Minorca catching a large tuna along the way which fed ten people on Minorca.

In October she was sailed back from Fornells, Minorca to Port Cogolin in France via the island of Porquerolles. Again single handed by Angus.

In spring 2009 she ran before a steady force 7 from Port Cogolin to Cannes with Nina and Angus enjoying every minute of the ride. Staysail and double reefed main until in the lee of the Esterel range where things calmed down.

From Cannes she cruised along the Italian coast to Genoa and Livorno and the Bay of Poets. She explored the islands of Elbe and Capraia. From there she crossed  to Machinaggio on the North East tip of Corsica in a force 7 with nasty seas that became steadily more confused as she neared the port.

From Machinaggio she crossed back to St Remo on the Italian coast in one very long day and then back to Cannes over the next few days via Menton.

On arrival at Cannes she was refused a mooring that had previously been promised and since there were no others available nearby she was put onto a trailer at La Napoule and driven all the way home to Dorset, England.


First owner William Dowdell sailed her as far north as Porland, ME and, as a native Rhode Islander, sailed her in Narragansett Bay and out to Block Island.

Chloe was been sailed for 15 years by Mark Firestone in the Vineyard Sound and Cape Cod area including periodic trips out to Block Island.


flicka corazon saling bc setp 2020

<p>Charles Dewell wrote a book about his adventures in this boat when she was "Kawabunga". Details of the book are on this page:</p> <p><a href="/flicka-books" target="_blank" rel="noopener">http://www.flicka20.com/flicka-books</a></p>


flicka corsair aerial portrait

Owners Jan and John Wolstenholme trailered their Flicka from California to La Belle, Florida on the Okeechobee Waterway - Sept. 1991.

After crossing Florida on the Okeechobee and making their way to Miami via the Intracoastal Canal, s/v Corsair stood out for the Bahamas for a six month stay, then on to the Florida Keys.

Ports visited included Cat and Gun Gays, Chur, the Berry Islands, Nassau, Georgetown, Long Conception and Rum.

They also sailed her to Mexico and the PacificNorthWest



flicka daimonion

Sailed across from the US by a previous owner. Details unknown at this time.

s/v DART

s/v Dart

Has voyaged the ICW from Annapolis to Marathon after purchase in 1990, shipped to Bermuda, cruised Bermuda until 2002, shipped back to US and cruised Hudson River, Erie Canal, Lake Ontario, Rideau Waterway, Trent-Severn waterway, shipped back to Bermuda 2005. Installed 11 gallon fuel tank in the cockpit locker. Propane in custom built cockpit locker between seats.


s/v Wishing Star

Desert Stenella (formerly Wishing Star) is a 1977 Nor Star Flicka, fractional sloop, Hull #17, that was completely updated in 1998 by the previous owners. The boat was sailed throughout the Puget Sound basin, the San Juan Islands and the Canadian Gulf Islands; then brought via flatbed to Houston Texas, where she has been sailed in and around Galveston.

She has been on the hard since 2007 and subsequently has some sun and weather wear and tear. She remains structurally sound and could be sailed as is. However with some topside work, front hatch repair, rub-rail repair, complete paint and woodwork refinishing she could be restored to her original beauty. The interior has remained dry and is without mildew or mold.



s/v Destiny

Cruising the Hudson


Sailed out of San Carlos winters 84-03


s/v Dream Catcher &copy; Bert Felton

San Francisco to Honolulu 2017.


flicka20 drifter bows

Previous Owner's Adventures:
The Channel Islands
Emerald Bay
Isthmus Cove
King Habor
Paradise Cove
Channel Islands Harbor
Santa Barbara


In Sea of Cortez after completing 2006 Baja Haha.

2006 - Sailed from San Francisco to San Diego to participate in Baja Ha-Ha Rally. On the entire course of Baja Ha-Ha, from San Diego to Cabo San Lucas, she had never asked help from her inboard engine and completed all legs under sail alone.

Read  "CATALINA/CANADA - THEY ALMOST SOUND ALIKE" section in http://www.latitude38.com/letters/200612.htm .

Aslo after the Ha-Ha, Randy wrote this in Yahoo! Group in January, 2007:

... I've been sailing up into the Sea of Cortez. I'm currently anchored near Isla Carmen. The Baja Ha-Ha was a blast. Met wonderful people and sailed the whole way. We used the drifter wing and wing with genoa and usually no main. Sailed the whole way so we won the soul sailor award too, (received a special green t-shirt) for never using our engine. Dulcinea also won 1st place in her division and yes the most dangerous catch prize which was a talking fish on a plaque (which we gave to the local kids/ who loved it). I took a picture of the GPS as we crossed the finish line to Cabo, it reads 6.3kts over the ground. We were flying over the finish, it was blowing over 25knts apparent. I had been cruising along when I saw a catamaran closing in only 2 miles from the finish. We shook out the reef, they still caught us and passed us, but the two monohulls didn't:) Anyhow, still having fun, just south of Loreto.


In January 2007  issue of Latitude 38, on page 96, Paul & Nellie Brocchini of s/y Athena (Beneteau First 36.7) wrote of Randy and his crew:

After finishing the 2006 Ha-Ha, our crew went home, and Nellie and I bashed up to Los Frailes from Cabo San Lucas. It was windy and tough day for going north, so we motor-sailed most of the way with a double reef in the main. In the 750 miles of the Ha-Ha we never got wet, but we got soaked from the waves on the less than 100-mile trip to Frailes. 

About 75% of the way to Frailes, we crossed paths with the intrepid Flicka 20 Dulcinea, skippered by Randy Ramirez with Matt Gardner on board. Just as in Ha-Ha, Randy and Matt were committed to sailing all the way, and were tacking up the shore under reefed main and jib. We got to the anchorage about 5 p.m. and that duo arrived four hours later. As far as we were concerned, those two were the heros of the Ha-Ha.


elilai in port

Reported to have sailed from the mainland west coast to Hawaii.


s/v Elise

The Ohio River with plans to head to Kentucky by trailer.


s/v Flicka of St Croix

New Orleans to St. Croix and around the Caribbean islands.


s/v Good News

Lake Tahoe, San Francisco to Monterey-Santa Cruz (Flicka Friends-Fall 2008) Morro Bay to San Simeon, Morro Bay to Port San Luis a few times. Docked in Morro Bay since May 2014.


East Coast Connecticut to Florida


flicka fairweather in port.JPG

 San Juan Islands area.


s/v Heart of gold

Coastal New Zealand, NZ to Tonga 1200NM, Tonga to Fiji 500NM, Fiji to NZ 1500NM  (by Richard Cross, home port was in Bay of Islands, Northland, New Zealand)


New Zealand coastal cruise of 260NM, and then 1200 NM from NZ to Ausutralia in Feb. 2012 (by Riddy)

The following was posted to Yahoo Flicka Group by Riddy on 3/18/2012:

" Hey everyone,

I'm a new member to the group but glad to see there's a lot of active proud Flicka owners out there. Thought you might like to hear about my recent adventure in a Flicka.

In Nov 2011 I flew over to NZ (I'm Australian) and brought 'Heart of Gold', believed to be Nor'Star hull #1. She's my first keelboat, first real yacht. I had done a bit of sailing in a 14ft catamaran I had before, but this was the first time in a yacht, anchoring, reefing, mooring, all that stuff.

I learnt to sail her around the Bay of Islands, slowly getting more confidence in myself and the boat. I did a coastal trip, about 260nm down to Auckland, out to Great Barrier Island and back to the Bay of Islands. Come Feb 2012 I was as prepared as I could be to sail her 1200nm back to Australia. The previous owner had sailed her from NZ to Fiji, Tonga and Back, so he knew the boat well and what it could handle. Although it was cyclone season further up North, the
forecast looked good with at least a week of strong Easterlies to push me past halfway. Feeling a bit anxious, a bit nervous and surreal, I set off solo on Feb 2nd. The trip took 19days, after 3 or 4 days out, 300nm off the North Island of NZ, my Navik self-steering broke. It was unfixable at sea, but with a bit of a sea and strong tailwind, the best option was to keep going. I spent days hand steering at the tiller. When the easterlies ran out, I could get the boat to steer herself into the wind ok. One day I used the spinnaker to pull be dead downwind and give me a day of rest.

I was constantly in touch with friends and family via sat phone. The last night was probably the worst, with poor visibility, heaps of shipping and squalls pushing through just off the coast of Wollongong, 80km south of Sydney.

After 2 nights no sleep I came into Port Kembla with friends and family waiting for me. Best feeling of my life. The boat handled the whole trip in her stride.They really are tough little ships. The more time I spend on her the more I appreciate how much work and thought has gone into designing her.

Feel free to check out some videos of the trip I've posted :


And some photos here:


Heart of Gold is currently moored in Wollongong Harbor, but I'm looking at trucking her back to Mum and Dad's place in VIC and putting her on the hard for the year while I finish Uni and so we can do some more work on her. If anyone has any dimensions or plans for a hardstand or a trailer, I'd love to hear from you. Hoping to get a trailer built so I can take her anywhere, up inside the great Barrier reef would be nice.

Feel free to ask any questions about the trip too,

Cheers, Riddy "

s/v HIRA

s/v Hira

Interior: V berth , settee to port (single bunk), galley storage to stbd with gimballed origo 3000 alcohol stove, purpleheart custom interior/cabinetry, NO HEAD

Engine: outboard on a bracket Johnson 8 hp / yamaha 4 hp
Rig: Gaff rigged staysail cutter ( new mast 2013  8 scarf joints incredibly strong)
Color: white


Anchored in Ua Pou, Marquesas

Hrai Roo is a well travelled Flicka from Seattle. She completed a Pacific voyage in 2002-03 from Seattle to Mexico, Marquesas, French Polynesia, Northern Cooks, Kiribati and Hawaii. 

s/v ISIS

s/v Isis

I believe that this Flicka is the former PUNKER DOODLE mentioned in so many Flicka news letters. She has had a refit and been renamed.


short sails weekly in BOCA CIEGA BAY


Jubilee in the Bahamas

Jubilee was sailed on a lake in Iowa 1993 - 2004; in Toronto warehouse 2004-2006; Sailed to Bahamas for 6 weeks in 2007 by Frank Durant.

2010 sailed from Beaufort, SC to Lunenburg, Nova Scotia with stops at Cape Fear, NC, Cape May, NJ, Montauk, NY, Nantucket, MA. Then Lunenburg to Plymouth, MA and Newport and Wickford, RI.

Article by Frank Durant on Jubilee

Woody Norwood's Passage


s/v Just Right (formerly Dangerous)

Numerous 20-25 mile passages to Catalina Island


Kara Du moved from Marina del Rey to Clovis (Fresno area).

http://www.flicka20.com/Portals/30/ff/ff_10_03.pdf  (See Pages 8 & 9)


s/v Kathleen Fay

San Francisco to Long Beach


flicka knutt in port

Cruising the tidal waters of the North Sea.

s/v KUMU

Kumu on her maiden voyage as Kumu. June 14, 2009

All I know is that Rich said she used to sail up and down the Oregon coast. USA.  She has been all over the Great Salt Lake South arm. (The south arm of Great Salt Lake is about 1,000 sq. miles)


Looking for a spot to drop an anchor at Fairlee Creek on Chesapeake Bay   Photo by Jim Samuels, owner of #413 Celtic Turtle.

5+ week, approx. 1,700-mile sail up the ICW from Fort Pierce to Lake Champlain in June-July, 2008. Not long before that, in the late 2007, the previous owner had moved her from Maine to Florida.

s/v LYRA

Cruising limited to the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries


s/v Maggie Mae

Pensacola,Fl to St Simons Island,Ga--- Guntersville ,Al to Steinhatchee,Fl via Tenn Tom Waterways


flicka mariah under sail

Lake Tahoe for 35 years (Lake level permitting)

Briefly in S.F. Bay (90 days in 1999)


The Flicka and the Swallows and Amazons For Ever! burgees flying side by side on the Maritime in Yokohama.

From Seattle, WA to Juneau, AK, through Alaska's Inside Passage by the previous/original owners, the Robinsons.


s/v Misty

Blaine,WA to Broughton Islands, BC and Back, meandering course through the San Juans, Gulf Islands, Desolation Sound, Yucalta Rapids and Port Hardy. 1200 NM total in 5 great months of exploration and pure fun.


Currently (November 2011 ~ ) sailing across Sea of Cortez, Mexico, after trailering from Truckee, California, to San Carlos, Sonora.
For updates, check this blog:    http://svmisty.blogspot.com/

s/v MONA

Stu Maxwell sailed her from Vancouver BC to Hilo HI. Then 8 days later he single handed her to San Diego.

s/v MOTU

Former owner Bill Barnes sailing s/y MOTU in the Sea of Cortez.

Bill Barnes

1996-99 - Morro Bay, CA - Baja, Sea of Cortez & Mainland MX

  From a summary of Motu's voyages in Mexico under the command of Bill Barnes - Motu's former owner ....

Motu was built by Nor'Star Marine, Santa Barbara, California and finished out by the original owner. I lived on her for about 3 years in Morro Bay, California while I refitted the boat for cruising. With one crew member, I left San Diego December 2, 1995 and reached Cabo San Lucas, Mexico 22 days later. From there I single-handed across the Sea and arrived in Banderas Bay, Puerto Valiarta, Mexico January 26, 1996. I fell in love with the bay - it's the 2nd largest bay in all the Americas - for it's beauty, great uncrowded surfing, and excellent sailing conditions. I remained there until May 28 of that year then put Motu in a marina near Puerto Valiarta and returned to California, USA, to take care of my business.

I returned to Puerto Valiarta November, 1996 and after getting some work done on the boat, left the marina to anchor out in the Banderas Bay A lady friend, who I had met in Cabo San Lucas, came down to join me for 2 months to cruise further south along the Mexican Gold Coast. We sailed south about 130 miles to Barra de Navidad before turning around and heading back to Banderas Bay. In April 1997, I again left Motu in the marina at Puerta Valiarta and flew home.

I returned November 23, 1997 and after 3 weeks working on the boat, I left the marina to anchor out in Banderas Bay. I had an incredible winter of surfing in the Bay while El Nino pumped swells deep into the bay making for some very rolly anchorages but great surf for the few of us surfers there on boats. It was my plan to remain in the Bay all winter just to surf because I knew it was going to be an epic winter for good waves. But I felt I needed to make a change of scene & wanted to leave the boat this year in San Carlos (up in the Sea near Guaymas) in the dry storage yard there so I could drive down next season & get her painted.

So I left March 28 with another friend. We had a great trip up to Mazatlan and a perfect 59 hour crossing of the Sea in good conditions and with a full moon. We made landfall at Los Muertos just south of La Paz about ten o'clock at night. We got up to La Paz where we reprovisioned for the trip up to San Carlos. That area north of La Paz to Loreto is the best cruising grounds in the Sea and we had a great time exploring as many anchorages as possible though moving at a much quicker pace than I'd prefer. But I needed to be getting home so except for a 2 week stay in Puerto Escondido, while I made a 36 hour round trip bus ride to Tijuana to attend my nephew's wedding in San Diego, we were almost always on the move except for anchoring each night. I arrived in San Carlos in the early morning hours of May 23rd and a few days later had the boat hauled and tucked away again for a few months and flew home. -

Recent ~ Ed Melinn

2001 - San Francisco - Ventura, CA - Ed Melinn


Wetting the sail on Santa Monica Bay.

2012, was sailed from Marina Del Rey, California south along the coast to La Paz, Mexico.

s/v NONE

 Numerous coastal NC cruises (including Ocracoke & Cape Lookout)


s/v Ocean Gypsy &copy Ken Weaver

Chesapeake Bay and Mid-Atlantic Coast


Previous owner sailed to Cuba, Mexico and Guatemala.  I sailed her from Cape Coral, FL to Fort Walton Beach, FL


s/v Pockets

Fred Lucas lived on board for four months each year from 2009-11.



s/v Ranger

 NC to Bermuda, NC to Bahamas off-shore, NC to Florida keys intracostal and off-shore


Don Marken and Jack Harding, aboard Flicka Rapport (Hull 298) made San Diego to Hilo in 22 days - May 2000. Rapport's best run was 250 miles in 2 days.


s/v Rowdy

Key West, FL, to Rio Dulce, Guatemala, in 8+1/2 days non-stop in 2007 (and back to Marathon, FL, afterwards) -

In April, 2007, Randy Kroeck wrote in Yahoo! Group:

We are on the Rio Dulce River in Guatemala after a great 8 1/2 day non stop passage. Left Key West April 3 and arrived in Port Livingston the11th. The customs official said in his 7 years in office we have beenthe smallest vessel to check in!! All the officials in the boardingparty,immigration, port doctor, customs, port captian and the water taxi driver had big smiles on their faces when they approached myFlicka.

Guatemala is beautiful! The river is spectacular! You can not truly appreciate a Flicka until you have made a substantial passage in one.

We leave this Sunday to head back to Marathon FL. We will travel up through Belize and Mexico and jump off from Isla Mujeres and head to the Dry Tortugas for a day then to Key West to check in and then back to Marathon.

Randy Kroeck and Mike Brunk aboard SV Honu in Paradise!!!!!!!!!


s/v Sabrina

Nothing is known about Sabrina's current location or the 6000 miles Bruce and Katy sailed in her. If anyone knows anything please contact the web captain.

From Small Craft Advisor:

"I'm not clairvoyant, just subject to the same fantasy. For many enthusiasts, the Flicka is the quintessential small sailboat. Priced at nearly $100,000 in 1998, this three-ton blue-water cruiser will for most remain the stuff of dreams. Nevertheless, we decided to take a closer look.

Naval Architect Bruce Bingham based his Flicka hull design on the exceptionally seaworthy, turn-of-the-century Newport work boats. While in the Navy in the fifties, Bingham stumbled onto a couple of these boats derelict on a river bank near North Kingstown, Rhode Island. Fascinated by their design, he made sketches and took some rough measurements. He learned that these rugged craft were sailed year-round by fishermen in the harsh conditions off the Rhode Island coast.

In the early 1970s Bingham opened his own design office. By 1972 he was offering plans for a stout, plumb-bow 20-footer called "Flicka," based on the Newport boats. After the favorable reception of his plans (over a five-year period, more than 400 sets were sold), Bingham began building a plug for a Flicka of his own, but circumstances forced its sale to Nor'star Marine in Santa Barbara before completion. Starting in 1975, Nor'star produced Flickas, either as owner-finished kits, or boats completed under contract by Westerly Marine of Costa Mesa. In 1977 Nor'star ceased production. In 1978 Pacific Seacraft bought the tooling and began building its version.

Over the years Flickas have been built from a number of materials to a variety of specifications. Pacific Seacraft reduced the deck camber which seems to account for the disparity in headroom measurements we found--variously listed as from 5' 11" to 6' 2". Flickas have been rigged as gaff cutters, yawls, mastheaded sloops, marconi cutters, schooners and junk rig, so some of our comments and those of owners will not apply to all examples.

In 1978 Pacific Seacraft completed hull number 25, and Bruce Bingham finally had his own Flicka-- Sabrina. Pacific Seacraft continued building Flickas until 1998, halting production after the completion of hull #434. Robin Bradshaw of Pacific Seacraft told SCA that production was ended for a variety of reasons. Flicka had become quite expensive, in part because its smaller size relative to other models precluded more than one person at a time working on it. Robin said the Flickas were literally "handmade," while the bigger boats might have as many as four persons working on them at once. The low number of man-hours per day spent on a Flicka tied up limited production space.

Robin told us Pacific Seacraft still has the tooling, and he wouldn't completely rule out production of another Flicka, although there are presently no plans to do so. Pacific Seacraft does, however, continue to support the boat fully. Robin and the staff are happy to help with replacement parts and other questions about the boat he considers truly "one of a kind".

Flicka, which means "happy little girl" in Swedish, is a fair if perhaps inadequate description of this legendary cruiser. The hand-laminated Flicka features a balsa-cored deck (plywood in hardware-mounting areas), backing plates for every piece of deck equipment (caulked on both sides), and eighteen hundred pounds of solid cast lead encased in fiberglass. What's the Swedish word for "bulletproof"?

On an 18' 2" waterline, Bingham managed to incorporate a solid list of amenities; enough stowage for passage-making, standing headroom and--on some later models--an enclosed head.

With a fixed draft of 3' 3", the Flicka draws more water than most boats found in the pages of SCA, but, compared with vessels of similar capabilities, it's relatively shallow draft."


flicka20 sampaguita bows

Circumnavigated Vancouver Island twice.
Pacific Tour - Port Townsend to Baja, Mexico, to Marquesas, back to Port Townsend



Previous owner described: Putting in at San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico, crossing to Santa Rosalia, Baja and sailing down Gulf coast of Baja to La Paz from where he crossed to Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mex. Where from there, I don’t recall.

We’ve sailed her many times north and south from Rocky Point, Sonora and San Carlos. Gunk holing up the coast some 35 miles from S.C., snorkeling, fishing, and enjoying the scenery. We made one crossing to Baja from Kino Bay, island hopping to and from. We encountered high, counter current wind on two occasions that whipped the waves into close formation deep troughs and high peaks. Buried the bowsprit many times. The boat is over built and never faltered.

I ran her amok once trying to avoid an aggressive shrimper on the ebb of a 24’ spring tide in Rocky Point. I carried anchors out well off to port and starboard with rodes leading back to the genie winches. The water level was dropping 1 ft. every ten minutes. Tensioned the rodes keeping the mast vertical, bathed, toasted the town and all watching, had supper, and floated off on the flood. All glorious.


Missouri River


s/v Selected Risks

Anthony Steward attempted to circumnavigate this flicka via cape horn but had a fire on board from the petrol generator which ended the voyage.

Read the full story here:-


flicka shante profile

Having sailed the Pacific NorthWest, she was trucked to the East Coast.  Story told, she cruised into the Hudson Bay.  Then sailed up into the Great Lakes and took the Mississippi River back to the Gulf of Mexico.  Eventually reaching the Caribbean Sea.  Here she was trucked back to California.  We acquired her in San Diego and brought her home to the Flicka design birthplace... Santa Barbara CA.


Snookums @ Portland, Oregon   Soon going down the river to cross the Pacific to New Zealand, singlehandedly. Have you noticed the massive windlass?

"Am departing Portland Oregon on June 6, 2009, bound across the Pacific via Hawaii, Samoa, and New Zealand. Singlehanding." Coby

- After leaving Oregon coast on June 11, he has safely arrived in Hawaii on July 11. -

"I have chosen to bring my voyage to a close in Hawaii. It feels complete. The thing that I knew that I would regret on my death bed not having done, feels done. I feel free now to choose what I want to do, rather than the need to do what is necessary for the growth of my soul. I choose to return to my beloved Katja, and to see what life next brings us. Perhaps we will cruise the south seas together someday. Or not. My heart is full. My soul is at peace. " Coby - July 15, 2009. 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLWVDuhThXY   (Amid the Pacific Ocean, Albatross on Snookums' stern pullpit rail.)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7l5XNJxW2A   (Coby arrives at Kaneohe, Oahu, Hawaii.) 




flicka20 sweetpea cradle.JPG

Chesapeake. Sailed to Chesapeake from Staten Island


Summer 2006. The Tsurutas enjoy their first sailing aboard their new Flicka in Okinawa, Japan. (Her sail # reflects one of her previous owner's birthday.)

Aio to Okinawa, Japan. The story is in Flicka Friends:  http://www.flicka20.com/Portals/30/ff/ff_11_02.pdf  (Pages 12 - 26)


All Flicka burgees flying in Japan have the scrollwork in gold against the dark blue background.

The second (and current) owner, Toshiyuki, singlehanding Tea Cup in Northern Kyushu, Japan: 

<img border="0" src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-zWQUWGL7V8I/VUGxkEzi4TI/AAAAAAAAQAI/c0ZWAAr_WQM/s320/Tea%2BCup%2Bon%2BSTB%2Btack.jpg">

<img border="0" src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-pgY2ighk8rU/VUGxm1HhAEI/AAAAAAAAQAQ/pH1RhYgE38s/s320/Tea%2BCup%2Bon%2BPort%2Btack.jpg">



Portside profile

Sailed mostly in fresh water - Lake Michigan, et al.


s/v Thalassa

This Flicka has cruised the west coast, resided on a large inland lake in Texas, and been sailed out of Florida before she settled down in Rhode Island.


@ Bora Bora, South Pacific

San Francisco to New Zealand: http://xsw.com/tikaroa/index.html


s/v Tortuga Azul on her trailer @ Nebraska

I am the third owner and I have owned Tortuga Azul
(formerly Misty) since 1989. I have trailered her to Florida
twice, once for a trip to the Bahamas and once for sailing the Florida Panhandle, to the Apostle Islands twice and the rest
of the sailing has been in Nebraska. She has been stored out
of the water and covered for much of the time that I have
owned her.

Steve Cramer


s/v Toucan

Countless short trips in the Puget Sound area.

From Ron and Kathy Mayo

"We're the fourth owners of the Flicka Toucan. We bought her in the summer of 2005 and have sailed approximately 2000 miles since then within the Puget Sound near our home in Seattle, Washington."

From Jason Zabriskie (5th owner)

"I'm the fifth owner of the Flicka Toucan. I bought her last spring and have sailed approximately 500 miles since then within the Puget Sound near Seattle, Washington.  All lines run back to the cockpit for a complete solo package."


unnamed PSC Flicka

This boat was lived aboard for many years. The companionway slide is in need of repair. Some other lesser problems also need attention.  The boat is for sale by the owner on an ASIS basis for $8000 or best offer.Call for details.


s/v Viviana

Came to Alaska up the Inside Passage many years ago, but has been used for short trips around Southeast Alaska since then.

New owner Bryan Bach. October 2009


flicka wandering star seapup

By previous owners St. Augustine to Daytona to Cumberland Island.  

Up the St. John's River to Sanford and 1500 miles around FL.

I  have sailed her from Sanford Florida down the St. John’s River and up the ICW to Ft. Mcallister on the Ogeechee River in Georgia. My regular cruising ground is along the Southeast coast, exploring the islands, inlets, salt marshes, and rivers.


s/v White Dolphin

Boat has been used on summer vacation arround Georgian Bay


flicka winnie mae on trailer.JPG

Atlantic Beach, NC to Bahamas


flicka wooly bully

Under previous owners,  she has sailed to Cuba, Mexico and Guatemala.

s/v WREN

At Maryland before embarking on her 3,900 mile passage to Texas, July 2011.


From early July through late September, 2011, the former owner, Kevin, singlehanded her from Maryland to Texas via ICW. (See pictures above.)

Scribbles by Kevin:

" Voyage Completed ! Baltimore, MD to Rockport, TX in my Flicka.
I'm back home in Alpine, TX. Wren (a 20' Flicka) did a great job with her gaff cutter rig sails and 10hp Yanmar. A 90 day motor-sail from Middle River, Maryland (where I purchased her), came to it's successful and safe conclusion September 28 at the City Marina in Rockport, Texas, where she is now in slip #6, 500 miles from here (Alpine).

This trip was an experience of a lifetime, my bucket list item #2 at age 72, single handing her down 95% of the ICW.

The most memorable experience of the trip that money could never buy happened in the marsh land of Georgia, after a 12 hr. day in the grueling sun and July heat, I was feeling my way into a gunk hole anchorage using Skipper Bob's guide book, when that awful thunk in my feet and the transducer announced 3.3' "you are aground" suck-stuck in the mud!

I was working the tiller rapidly back and forth trying to work the bow off when I was distracted by a great commotion around the stern and spouting noises. When I looked over the sides there were several large dolphin with their body's hugging Wren's sides working their tails back and forth as they pushed her off into deeper water, WOW! And then they disappeared."


Her new/current owner, David Sibley, plans to sail her to Belize.


s/v Zaida

Several round trip voyages - Captiva /Ft Meyers FL to St Augustine FL