Before Lisa and I bought Enso (#149) we thought the name sounded like name segments from a partnership; maybe an abbreviated pair of names like "Endicott & Soames" - perfect for a marmalade company, but not my boat. When I finally asked the owner, he explained it was (literally) circular Buddhist imagery for a greater concept of harmony. It is explained poetically by Amie Zorns:
"Enso means "circle phase."
in its emptiness, it is absolute fullness.
completeness, endlessness, perfection.
the brightness and roundness of the moon.
the ultimate reality.
unity; everything is as one.
no more, no less; precisely this; it is enough.
the eternal cycle of nature.
no life, no death; just the spirit.
These are my thoughts on enso.
Big concepts for a little boat. I like it. It stays.
Best Regards,
Dan Nathan
s/y ENSO