Flicka Friends Newsletter

"Flicka Friends" is a newsletter written for people who own, crew aboard or are interested in the Flicka 20 sail boat.

To find articles of interest just type something into the box on the top right. If you click the show button you can see a summary of contents for the newsletter. Then click the newsletter title on the left to open/save the newsletter in PDF format.

Title Edition Year Vol Issue Season Editor Contents Hidden Searchable Contents Size (mb)
Fall 2020, Volume 22, #1 71 2020 22 1 Fall Tom Davison

Summary of Contents for 71 editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

A Contrast In Scale ....................................... 2
Bravo & Kudos .............................................. 2
There Is Magic ............................................... 3
About Flicka Friends ..................................... 3
Boatyard Bliss and Other Adventures
in Fiberglass ....................................... 4
New Owners ....................................... 4
Hauling Out ........................................ 5
Blisters ................................................ 5
Hurricane Ike (Photos) ...................... 7
Blister Repair Plan ............................. 8
Blister Repair ...................................... 9
Topsides Repair .................................. 14
Apply Bottom Paint ............................ 14
Paint Topsides .................................... 14
Scrollwork and Cove Strip ................. 19
Repainting The Mast ............................... 22
A New Teak Tiller .................................... 24
Gudgeon Replacement ............................. 26
Back In The Water ................................... 30
Fitting A New Bowsprit ........................... 32
Renaming Ceremony ............................... 34
Chainplates .............................................. 41
Standing Rigging .................................... 48
Stepping The Mast and Boom ................. 58
Raising The Mast ..................................... 65
Sea-Trial of s/y DULCINEA ................. 68
A Westward Passage ............................... 75
It Is Born .................................................. 80

<p>A Contrast In Scale ....................................... 2<br />Bravo &amp; Kudos .............................................. 2<br />There Is Magic ............................................... 3<br />About Flicka Friends ..................................... 3<br />s/y DULCINEA<br />Boatyard Bliss and Other Adventures<br />in Fiberglass ....................................... 4<br />New Owners ....................................... 4<br />Hauling Out ........................................ 5<br />Blisters ................................................ 5<br />Hurricane Ike (Photos) ...................... 7<br />Blister Repair Plan ............................. 8<br />Blister Repair ...................................... 9<br />Topsides Repair .................................. 14<br />Apply Bottom Paint ............................ 14<br />Paint Topsides .................................... 14<br />Scrollwork and Cove Strip ................. 19<br />Repainting The Mast ............................... 22<br />A New Teak Tiller .................................... 24<br />Gudgeon Replacement ............................. 26<br />Back In The Water ................................... 30<br />Fitting A New Bowsprit ........................... 32<br />Renaming Ceremony ............................... 34<br />Chainplates .............................................. 41<br />Standing Rigging .................................... 48<br />Stepping The Mast and Boom ................. 58<br />Raising The Mast ..................................... 65<br />Sea-Trial of s/y DULCINEA ................. 68<br />A Westward Passage ............................... 75<br />It Is Born .................................................. 80</p> 16.95
Summer 2020, Volume 21, #1 70 2020 21 1 Summer Tom Davison

Summary of Contents for 70 editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

Scrollwork - BPBingham Flicka 20 ..... 2
Scrollwork - PCS Flicka 20’s ................. 3
About Flicka Friends ............................... 3
Flicka Articles
s/y HRAI ROO ...................................... 4
Turning Left Into The Pacific
Debbie Custer
s/y ISLAND MAIDEN .......................... 12
Owning A Flicka or Two
Darren Davis
s/y ARIELLE ......................................... 14
Filling in the Gaps
Jack Russell
s/y KAVENGA ....................................... 18
Zeeland Cruising
Daniel Röder
Flicka Names - Alphabetical
s/y ARIELLE ......................................... 14
Jack Russell
s/y HRAI ROO ...................................... 4
Debbie Custer
s/y ISLAND MAIDEN .......................... 12
Darren Davis
s/y KAVENGA ....................................... 18
Daniel Röder
FRON T Aft-quarter scrollwork on a Bruce P. Bingham Flicka 20.
Photo: Tom Davison © 2020

<p>Scrollwork - BPBingham Flicka 20 ..... 2<br />Scrollwork - PCS Flicka 20&rsquo;s ................. 3<br />About Flicka Friends ............................... 3<br />Flicka Articles<br />s/y HRAI ROO ...................................... 4<br />Turning Left Into The Pacific<br />Debbie Custer<br />s/y ISLAND MAIDEN .......................... 12<br />Owning A Flicka or Two<br />Darren Davis<br />s/y ARIELLE ......................................... 14<br />Filling in the Gaps<br />Jack Russell<br />s/y KAVENGA ....................................... 18<br />Zeeland Cruising<br />Daniel R&ouml;der<br />Flicka Names - Alphabetical<br />s/y ARIELLE ......................................... 14<br />Jack Russell<br />s/y HRAI ROO ...................................... 4<br />Debbie Custer<br />s/y ISLAND MAIDEN .......................... 12<br />Darren Davis<br />s/y KAVENGA ....................................... 18<br />Daniel R&ouml;der<br />CONT ENT S<br />FRON T Aft-quarter scrollwork on a Bruce P. Bingham Flicka 20.<br />Photo: Tom Davison &copy; 2020<br /><br /></p> 6.52
Spring 2020, Volume 20, #2 69 2020 20 2 Spring Tom Davison

Summary of Contents for 69 editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

About Flicka Friends ..................................... 3
Flicka Articles
s/y MIST ................................................. 4
David Young
Ron Collins
Mark & Christine Fiechter
Peter Kunst Models ............................ 5
Tom Davison
s/y EARENDIL ...................................... 6
Columbia River Sailing
Brandon Tattersall
s/y ARIELLE ......................................... 8
Fallen Arches
Jack Russell
s/y HABIBI ............................................ 20
Michael Connolly
s/y GOOD NEWS ................................. 22
Ariu Levi
s/y MIRA JANE .................................... 24
Lynne Silva
s/y AMNESIA ........................................ 26
Jon Unruh
Roche Harbor ....................................... 28
Tom Davison
Flicka Names - Alphabetical
s/y AMNESIA ........................................ 24
Jon Unruh
s/y ARIELLE ......................................... 8
Jack Russel
s/y BEN MAIN, Jr. ............................... 4
Tom Davison
s/y BLUE SKIES .................................. 2
Tom Davison
s/y EARENDIL ...................................... 6
Brandon Tattersall
s/y GOOD NEWS ................................. 22
Ariu Levi
s/y HABIBI ............................................ 20
Michael Connolly
s/y HEART of GOLD ........................... 30
Riddy Ridsdale
s/y MIRA JANE .................................... 24
Lynne Silva
s/y MIST ................................................. 4
Ron Collins / David Young
Mark & Christine Fiechter
s/y REDUX ............................................. 1
Jay Cushman
s/y ZANZIBAR ...................................... 3

<p>About Flicka Friends ..................................... 3<br />Flicka Articles<br />s/y MIST ................................................. 4<br />David Young<br />Ron Collins<br />Mark &amp; Christine Fiechter<br />Peter Kunst Models ............................ 5<br />Tom Davison<br />s/y EARENDIL ...................................... 6<br />Columbia River Sailing<br />Brandon Tattersall<br />s/y ARIELLE ......................................... 8<br />Fallen Arches<br />Jack Russell<br />s/y HABIBI ............................................ 20<br />Michael Connolly<br />s/y GOOD NEWS ................................. 22<br />Ariu Levi<br />s/y MIRA JANE .................................... 24<br />Lynne Silva<br />s/y AMNESIA ........................................ 26<br />Jon Unruh<br />Roche Harbor ....................................... 28<br />Tom Davison<br />Flicka Names - Alphabetical<br />s/y AMNESIA ........................................ 24<br />Jon Unruh<br />s/y ARIELLE ......................................... 8<br />Jack Russel<br />s/y BEN MAIN, Jr. ............................... 4<br />Tom Davison<br />s/y BLUE SKIES .................................. 2<br />Tom Davison<br />s/y EARENDIL ...................................... 6<br />Brandon Tattersall<br />s/y GOOD NEWS ................................. 22<br />Ariu Levi<br />s/y HABIBI ............................................ 20<br />Michael Connolly<br />s/y HEART of GOLD ........................... 30<br />Riddy Ridsdale<br />s/y MIRA JANE .................................... 24<br />Lynne Silva<br />s/y MIST ................................................. 4<br />Ron Collins / David Young<br />Mark &amp; Christine Fiechter<br />s/y REDUX ............................................. 1<br />Jay Cushman<br />s/y ZANZIBAR ...................................... 3</p> 6.90
Spring 2020, Volume 20, #1 68 2020 20 1 Spring Tom Davison

Summary of Contents for 68 editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

Interesting Times .......................................... 2
About Flicka Friends ..................................... 3
Flicka 20 Photo Gallery
s/y SEA MOUSE - Cover ..................... 1
s/y BLUE SKIES .................................. 2
s/y GOLDFINCH .................................. 3
s/y PINGOUIN ...................................... 4
s/y SEA MOUSE .................................... 6
s/y NIAMH ............................................. 10
s/y CITADEL ......................................... 12
s/y REDUX ............................................. 12
s/y DRIFTER ......................................... 13
s/y CORAZÓN ....................................... 14
s/y MALOLO ......................................... 15
s/y GOLDEN CROWN ......................... 16
s/y INTUITION ..................................... 16
s/y KAVENGA ....................................... 17
s/y MARITIME ..................................... 18
s/y ORANGE BLOSSOM ..................... 18
s/y HABIBI ............................................ 18
s/y LISA .................................................. 18
s/y ISHA ................................................. 19
s/y MISTY .............................................. 20
s/y NIKA ................................................ 21
s/y GOLDEN CROWN ......................... 22
s/y BEN MAIN, Jr. ............................... 24
s/y ZANZIBAR ...................................... 24
s/y DULCINEA ...................................... 25
s/y Miss B .............................................. 26
s/y BLUE SKIES .................................. 28
s/y AMIGO ............................................. 30
s/y TUESDAY’s CHILD ...................... 31
s/y ZANZIBAR ...................................... 32
s/y HEART of GOLD ........................... 34
s/y SEA MOUSE - Cover ..................... 36
Flicka 20 - Alphabetical List
s/y AMIGO ............................................. 30
s/y BEN MAIN, Jr. ............................... 32
s/y BLUE SKIES ............................. 2, 28
s/y CITADEL ......................................... 12
s/y CORAZÓN ....................................... 14
s/y DRIFTER ......................................... 13
s/y DULCINEA ...................................... 25
s/y GOLDEN CROWN ......................... 16
s/y GOLDFINCH .................................. 3
s/y HABIBI ............................................ 18
s/y HEART of GOLD ........................... 34
s/y INTUITION ..................................... 16
s/y ISHA ................................................. 19
s/y KAVENGA ....................................... 17
s/y LISA .................................................. 18
s/y MALOLO ......................................... 15
s/y MARITIME ..................................... 18
s/y Miss B .............................................. 26
s/y MISTY .............................................. 20
s/y NIAMH ............................................. 10
s/y NIKA ................................................ 21
s/y ORANGE BLOSSOM ..................... 18
s/y PINGOUIN ...................................... 4
s/y REDUX ............................................. 12
s/y SEA MOUSE .................................... 6
s/y TUESDAY’s CHILD ...................... 31
s/y Where is the Flicka? .................... 16
s/y ZANZIBAR ............................... 24, 32

<p>Interesting Times .......................................... 2<br />About Flicka Friends ..................................... 3<br />Flicka 20 Photo Gallery<br />s/y SEA MOUSE - Cover ..................... 1<br />s/y BLUE SKIES .................................. 2<br />s/y GOLDFINCH .................................. 3<br />s/y PINGOUIN ...................................... 4<br />s/y SEA MOUSE .................................... 6<br />s/y NIAMH ............................................. 10<br />s/y CITADEL ......................................... 12<br />s/y REDUX ............................................. 12<br />s/y DRIFTER ......................................... 13<br />s/y CORAZ&Oacute;N ....................................... 14<br />s/y MALOLO ......................................... 15<br />s/y GOLDEN CROWN ......................... 16<br />s/y INTUITION ..................................... 16<br />s/y KAVENGA ....................................... 17<br />s/y MARITIME ..................................... 18<br />s/y ORANGE BLOSSOM ..................... 18<br />s/y HABIBI ............................................ 18<br />s/y LISA .................................................. 18<br />s/y ISHA ................................................. 19<br />s/y MISTY .............................................. 20<br />s/y NIKA ................................................ 21<br />s/y GOLDEN CROWN ......................... 22<br />s/y BEN MAIN, Jr. ............................... 24<br />s/y ZANZIBAR ...................................... 24<br />s/y DULCINEA ...................................... 25<br />s/y Miss B .............................................. 26<br />s/y BLUE SKIES .................................. 28<br />s/y AMIGO ............................................. 30<br />s/y TUESDAY&rsquo;s CHILD ...................... 31<br />s/y ZANZIBAR ...................................... 32<br />s/y HEART of GOLD ........................... 34<br />s/y SEA MOUSE - Cover ..................... 36<br />Flicka 20 - Alphabetical List<br />s/y AMIGO ............................................. 30<br />s/y BEN MAIN, Jr. ............................... 32<br />s/y BLUE SKIES ............................. 2, 28<br />s/y CITADEL ......................................... 12<br />s/y CORAZ&Oacute;N ....................................... 14<br />s/y DRIFTER ......................................... 13<br />s/y DULCINEA ...................................... 25<br />s/y GOLDEN CROWN ......................... 16<br />s/y GOLDFINCH .................................. 3<br />s/y HABIBI ............................................ 18<br />s/y HEART of GOLD ........................... 34<br />s/y INTUITION ..................................... 16<br />s/y ISHA ................................................. 19<br />s/y KAVENGA ....................................... 17<br />s/y LISA .................................................. 18<br />s/y MALOLO ......................................... 15<br />s/y MARITIME ..................................... 18<br />s/y Miss B .............................................. 26<br />s/y MISTY .............................................. 20<br />s/y NIAMH ............................................. 10<br />s/y NIKA ................................................ 21<br />s/y ORANGE BLOSSOM ..................... 18<br />s/y PINGOUIN ...................................... 4<br />s/y REDUX ............................................. 12<br />s/y SEA MOUSE .................................... 6<br />s/y TUESDAY&rsquo;s CHILD ...................... 31<br />s/y Where is the Flicka? .................... 16<br />s/y ZANZIBAR ............................... 24, 32</p> 13.85
Winter 2018, Volume 19, #2 67th 2018 19 2 Winter Tom Davison

Summary of Contents for 67th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

Sailing on the Salish Sea .................. 4
1. Port Madison ........................................ 4
2. Mats Mats Bay ..................................... 5
3. Port Townsend .................................... 8
4. Spencer Spit, Lopez Island .............. 9
5. Blind Bay, Shaw Island .................... 10
6. West Sound, Orcas Island ................ 12
7. Friday Harbor, San Juan Island ... 13
8. Shallow Bay, Sucia Island ............... 15
9. Shallow Bay, Sucia Island ............... 17
10. Shallow Bay, Sucia Island ............... 18
11. Annette Inlet ......................................... 21
12. Pirate’s Cove ......................................... 22
13. Snug Cove ............................................. 25
14. False Creek ........................................... 26
15. False Creek ........................................... 29
16. Bowen Island ....................................... 31
17. Telegraph Harbor ............................... 35
18. Princess Bay ......................................... 36
19. Shipyard Cove ...................................... 39
20. Friday Harbor ...................................... 42
21. Friday Harbor ...................................... 43
22. Utsalady Bay ....................................... 43
23. Kingston Cove ..................................... 45
24. Seattle .................................................... 46
Summary Table .................................. 48
It is good to be small .......................... 49

<p>Sailing on the Salish Sea .................. 4<br />1. Port Madison ........................................ 4<br />2. Mats Mats Bay ..................................... 5<br />3. Port Townsend .................................... 8<br />4. Spencer Spit, Lopez Island .............. 9<br />5. Blind Bay, Shaw Island .................... 10<br />6. West Sound, Orcas Island ................ 12<br />7. Friday Harbor, San Juan Island ... 13<br />8. Shallow Bay, Sucia Island ............... 15<br />9. Shallow Bay, Sucia Island ............... 17<br />10. Shallow Bay, Sucia Island ............... 18<br />11. Annette Inlet ......................................... 21<br />12. Pirate&rsquo;s Cove ......................................... 22<br />13. Snug Cove ............................................. 25<br />14. False Creek ........................................... 26<br />15. False Creek ........................................... 29<br />16. Bowen Island ....................................... 31<br />17. Telegraph Harbor ............................... 35<br />18. Princess Bay ......................................... 36<br />19. Shipyard Cove ...................................... 39<br />20. Friday Harbor ...................................... 42<br />21. Friday Harbor ...................................... 43<br />22. Utsalady Bay ....................................... 43<br />23. Kingston Cove ..................................... 45<br />24. Seattle .................................................... 46<br />Summary Table .................................. 48<br />It is good to be small .......................... 49</p> 16.15
Winter 2018, Volume 19, #1 66th 2017 19 1 Winter Tom Davison

Summary of Contents for 66th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

Heading for the Pacific ................................. 2
Eleven Years .................................................. 3
About Flicka Friends ..................................... 3
Flicka Building
RED RASCAL, Part 12 of 12 ............... 4
Bob Collier
Flicka Building
Dovetail Joints .................................... 21
Bob Collier
Flicka Photos
Two South African Flicka’s .............. 22
Micheal Connolly
DART ....................................................... 22
Gill Outerbridge
SAMPAGUITA ...................................... 23
Josh Wheeler
Flicka Projects
s/y GOLDFINCH .................................. 26
Erik Dokken
Storing s/y 4ELSA ............................... 28
Erik Dokken
Flicka Trailering
Lowering the Mast .............................. 32
Gabriel Warren

<p>Heading for the Pacific ................................. 2<br />Eleven Years .................................................. 3<br />About Flicka Friends ..................................... 3<br />Flicka Building<br />RED RASCAL, Part 12 of 12 ............... 4<br />Bob Collier<br />Flicka Building<br />Dovetail Joints .................................... 21<br />Bob Collier<br />Flicka Photos<br />Two South African Flicka&rsquo;s .............. 22<br />Micheal Connolly<br />DART ....................................................... 22<br />Gill Outerbridge<br />SAMPAGUITA ...................................... 23<br />Josh Wheeler<br />Flicka Projects<br />s/y GOLDFINCH .................................. 26<br />Erik Dokken<br />Storing s/y 4ELSA ............................... 28<br />Erik Dokken<br />Flicka Trailering<br />Lowering the Mast .............................. 32<br />Gabriel Warren</p> 11.00
Winter 2016, Vol 18 #1 65th 2016 18 1 Winter Tom Davison

Summary of Contents for 65th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

Moving On ..................................................... 2
A New Editor ................................................. 2
About Flicka Friends ..................................... 3
Flicka Building
Ports, Spars, and Sprit ...................... 4
RED RASCAL, Part 11 of 12
Bob Collier

<p>Moving On ..................................................... 2<br /> A New Editor ................................................. 2<br /> About Flicka Friends ..................................... 3<br /> Flicka Building<br /> Ports, Spars, and Sprit ...................... 4<br /> RED RASCAL, Part 11 of 12<br /> Bob Collier</p> 3.50
Fall 2015, Vol 17,#3 64th 2015 17 3 Fall Tom Davison

Summary of Contents for 64th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

A New Editor? ................................................ 2
Bad News for s/y GOOD NEWS ................ 3
About Flicka Friends ..................................... 3
Flicka Article
Paying It Forward .............................. 4
Tom Davison
Flicka Building
Trunkhouse and Rudder
RED RASCAL, Part 10 of 12 ............... 7
Bob Collier
Flicka Article
Launching s/y 4ELSA ........................ 12
Ian Williams
s/y 4ELSA
Flicka Profile
Flicka # 201 ........................................... 20
Bob Borgilt

<p>A New Editor? ................................................ 2<br /> Bad News for s/y GOOD NEWS ................ 3<br /> About Flicka Friends ..................................... 3<br /> Flicka Article<br /> Paying It Forward .............................. 4<br /> Tom Davison<br /> Flicka Building<br /> Trunkhouse and Rudder<br /> RED RASCAL, Part 10 of 12 ............... 7<br /> Bob Collier<br /> s/y RED RASCAL<br /> Flicka Article<br /> Launching s/y 4ELSA ........................ 12<br /> Ian Williams<br /> s/y 4ELSA<br /> Flicka Profile<br /> Flicka # 201 ........................................... 20<br /> Bob Borgilt<br /> s/y ESCAPE</p> 23.60
Spring 2015, Vol 17,#2 63rd 2015 17 2 Spring Tom Davison

Summary of Contents for 63rd editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

Contents ..................................................... . 2
BLUE SKIES issue in July ...................... 2
Digital Publications ................................ 3
About Flicka Friends ............................... 3
Flicka Photo Gallery
s/y 4ELSA .............................................. 4
Ian Williams
s/y ETOILE ............................................ 5
Roger WeinHeimer
Flicka Article
Surviving A Hurricane ...................... 6
Bill Hogan
Flicka Building
RED RASCAL, Part 9 of 12 ................ 10
Bob Collier
Flicka Cruising
Sailing to Leland ................................. 14
Randy Richardson
Flicka Article
Cottage Flicka ...................................... 24
Gill Outerbridge
s/y DART
Flicka Maintenance
The Vented Loop .................................. 28
Roger Weinheimer
Flicka Article
s/y GOOD NEWS ................................. 32
Marie Sargent

<p>Contents ..................................................... . 2<br /> BLUE SKIES issue in July ...................... 2<br /> Digital Publications ................................ 3<br /> About Flicka Friends ............................... 3<br /> Flicka Photo Gallery<br /> s/y 4ELSA .............................................. 4<br /> Ian Williams<br /> s/y ETOILE ............................................ 5<br /> Roger WeinHeimer<br /> Flicka Article<br /> Surviving A Hurricane ...................... 6<br /> Bill Hogan<br /> s/y NOMAD<br /> Flicka Building<br /> RED RASCAL, Part 9 of 12 ................ 10<br /> Bob Collier<br /> s/y RED RASCAL<br /> Flicka Cruising<br /> Sailing to Leland ................................. 14<br /> Randy Richardson<br /> s/y ZANZIBAR<br /> Flicka Article<br /> Cottage Flicka ...................................... 24<br /> Gill Outerbridge<br /> s/y DART<br /> Flicka Maintenance<br /> The Vented Loop .................................. 28<br /> Roger Weinheimer<br /> s/y ETOILE<br /> Flicka Article<br /> s/y GOOD NEWS ................................. 32<br /> Marie Sargent</p> 20.00
Winter 2015, Vol 17 #1 62nd 2015 17 1 Winter Tom Davison

Summary of Contents for 62nd editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

Dennis Pratt ...............................................2
Quarterly Issues ....................................... 2
Two Flickas at Northport ....................... 3
About Flicka Friends ............................... 3
Dedication .................................................. 3
Flicka Profile s/y GOLDFINCH .................................. 4
Erik Dokken Flicka Building RED RASCAL, Part 8 of 12 ................ 8
Bob Collier Flicka Safety Rescue 21 ................................................ 13
Tom Davison
Flicka Sailing Winter Flicka Sailing ........................ 14
Mike Wack
Flicka Parts Tiller Replacement ............................. 18
Tom Davison
Flicka Archeology Abandoned Flicka Found ................. 24
Tom Davison
<div>Dennis Pratt ...............................................2</div> <div>Quarterly Issues ....................................... 2</div> <div>Two Flickas at Northport ....................... 3</div> <div>About Flicka Friends ............................... 3</div> <div>Dedication .................................................. 3</div> <div>Flicka Profile s/y GOLDFINCH .................................. 4</div> <div>Erik Dokken Flicka Building RED RASCAL, Part 8 of 12 ................ 8</div> <div>Bob Collier Flicka Safety Rescue 21 ................................................ 13</div> <div>Tom Davison</div> <div>Flicka Sailing Winter Flicka Sailing ........................ 14</div> <div>Mike Wack</div> <div>Flicka Parts Tiller Replacement ............................. 18</div> <div>Tom Davison</div> <div>Flicka Archeology Abandoned Flicka Found ................. 24</div> <div>Tom Davison</div> 10.10
Summer 2014, Vol 16 #6 61st 2014 16 6 Summer Tom Davison

Summary of Contents for 61st editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

July 2014! ....................................................... 2
San Juan Channel ......................................... 3
About Flicka Friends ..................................... 3
Rosario Rendezvous
Or Not? ................................................... 4
John Hazen
Flicka Building
RED RASCAL, Part 7 of 12 ................. 6
Bob Collier
Flicka Cruising
Salish Sea Sailing ............................... 10
Steve Smith

<p>July 2014! ....................................................... 2<br /> San Juan Channel ......................................... 3<br /> About Flicka Friends ..................................... 3<br /> Rosario Rendezvous<br /> Or Not? ................................................... 4<br /> John Hazen<br /> Flicka Building<br /> RED RASCAL, Part 7 of 12 ................. 6<br /> Bob Collier<br /> Flicka Cruising<br /> Salish Sea Sailing ............................... 10<br /> Steve Smith</p> 12.18
Summer 2014, Vol 16 #5 60th 2014 16 5 Summer Tom Davison

Summary of Contents for 60th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

Rosario Rendezvous ...................................... 2
Building A Flicka Book .................................. 3
About Flicka Friends ..................................... 3
Flicka Building
RED RASCAL, Part 6 of 12 ................ 4
Bob Collier
Flicka Cruising
Sailing to Block Island? .................... 8
John Laton
Flicka Profile
CAJUN BEAUTY ................................... 8
Mike Wack

<p>Rosario Rendezvous ...................................... 2<br /> Building A Flicka Book .................................. 3<br /> About Flicka Friends ..................................... 3<br /> Flicka Building<br /> RED RASCAL, Part 6 of 12 ................ 4<br /> Bob Collier<br /> Flicka Cruising<br /> Sailing to Block Island? .................... 8<br /> John Laton<br /> Flicka Profile<br /> CAJUN BEAUTY ................................... 8<br /> Mike Wack</p> 10.84
Index Edition 2014, Vol 16 #4 59th 2014 16 4 Summer Tom Davison

Summary of Contents for 59th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

A Flicka Friends Index ................... 2
Thank You! ..................................... 3
About Flicka Friends ..................... 3
Flicka Friends History ................... 4
Flicka Friends Cover Photos
1995-2013 .................................. 5
Flicka Friends Issues
1995 Issues and Articles ........... 9
1996 Issues and Articles ........... 10
1997 Issues and Articles ........... 11
1998 Issues and Articles ........... 12
1999 Issues and Articles ........... 13
2000 Issues and Articles .......... 13
2001 Issues and Articles ........... 14
2002 Issues and Articles .......... 15
2003 Issues and Articles .......... 16
2004 Issues and Articles .......... 17
2005 Issues and Articles ........... 18
2006 Issues and Articles .......... 19
2007 Issues and Articles ........... 20
2008 Issues and Articles .......... 21
2009 Issues and Articles .......... 22
2012 Issues and Articles ........... 22
2013 Issues and Articles ........... 23
2014 Issues and Articles ........... 25
Flicka Authors
Flicka Authors ........................... 26
Flicka Articles
Flicka Articles ........................... 30

<p>A Flicka Friends Index ................... 2<br /> Thank You! ..................................... 3<br /> About Flicka Friends ..................... 3<br /> Flicka Friends History ................... 4<br /> Flicka Friends Cover Photos<br /> 1995-2013 .................................. 5<br /> Flicka Friends Issues<br /> 1995 Issues and Articles ........... 9<br /> 1996 Issues and Articles ........... 10<br /> 1997 Issues and Articles ........... 11<br /> 1998 Issues and Articles ........... 12<br /> 1999 Issues and Articles ........... 13<br /> 2000 Issues and Articles .......... 13<br /> 2001 Issues and Articles ........... 14<br /> 2002 Issues and Articles .......... 15<br /> 2003 Issues and Articles .......... 16<br /> 2004 Issues and Articles .......... 17<br /> 2005 Issues and Articles ........... 18<br /> 2006 Issues and Articles .......... 19<br /> 2007 Issues and Articles ........... 20<br /> 2008 Issues and Articles .......... 21<br /> 2009 Issues and Articles .......... 22<br /> 2012 Issues and Articles ........... 22<br /> 2013 Issues and Articles ........... 23<br /> 2014 Issues and Articles ........... 25<br /> Flicka Authors<br /> Flicka Authors ........................... 26<br /> Flicka Articles<br /> Flicka Articles ........................... 30</p> 1.65
Spring 2014, Vol 16 #3 58th 2014 16 3 Spring Tom Davison

Summary of Contents for 58th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

Flicka Articles
Yachts ................................................ 22
Tom Davison
Flicka Building
RED RASCAL, Part 5 of 12 ............... 6
Bob Collier
Flicka Cruising
Island Hopping Off Seattle .......... 4
Joshua Wheeler
Flicka Maintenance
New Handrails For ZANZIBAR .. 20
Randy Richardson
Flicka Photo Gallery
BLUE SKIES .................................... 16
Tom Davison
ENTERPRISE .................................. 15
Hal DeVaney
KITTIWAKE .................................... 15
Hal DeVaney
OUTBOUND ..................................... 15
Hal DeVaney
SARNIA ............................................. 17
Nat Burgess
SWAN ................................................ 18
Doc Holub
ZANZIBAR ........................................ 19
Randy Richardson
Flicka Storm Stories
Surviving Hurricane Ivan ............ 11
Hal DeVaney

<p>Flicka Articles<br /> Yachts ................................................ 22<br /> Tom Davison<br /> Flicka Building<br /> RED RASCAL, Part 5 of 12 ............... 6<br /> Bob Collier<br /> Flicka Cruising<br /> Island Hopping Off Seattle .......... 4<br /> Joshua Wheeler<br /> Flicka Maintenance<br /> New Handrails For ZANZIBAR .. 20<br /> Randy Richardson<br /> Flicka Photo Gallery<br /> BLUE SKIES .................................... 16<br /> Tom Davison<br /> ENTERPRISE .................................. 15<br /> Hal DeVaney<br /> KITTIWAKE .................................... 15<br /> Hal DeVaney<br /> OUTBOUND ..................................... 15<br /> Hal DeVaney<br /> SARNIA ............................................. 17<br /> Nat Burgess<br /> SWAN ................................................ 18<br /> Doc Holub<br /> ZANZIBAR ........................................ 19<br /> Randy Richardson<br /> Flicka Storm Stories<br /> Surviving Hurricane Ivan ............ 11<br /> Hal DeVaney</p> 13.51
Spring 2014, Vol 16 #2 57th 2014 16 2 Spring Tom Davison

Summary of Contents for 57th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

Flicka Articles
Life After s/y CARAWAY ............... 24
Gus Beare
Flicka Building
Oceancraft Sailboats - Update .... 4
Amy & Brad
RED RASCAL, Part 4 of 12 ............ 6
Tom Davison
Flicka Maintenance
Hatch Lens Replacement ............... 12
Daryl Clark
Flicka Outfitting
Movies & Safety Gear ..................... 11
Tom Davison
Flicka Parts
New Hatch or a Seahood? ............. 4
Oceancraft Sailboats
Flicka Passages
100 Day Vancouver Island
Circumnavigation ........................... 16
John Hazen, Jr.
Flicka Profile
s/y DULCINEA .................................. 27
Tom Davison
Flicka Projects
A New Boarding Ladder ................ 30
Daryl Clark
A Step For The Flicka ..................... 32
Bob Collier
Flicka Rendezvous
Rosario Resort .................................. 3

<p>Flicka Articles<br /> Life After s/y CARAWAY ............... 24<br /> Gus Beare<br /> Flicka Building<br /> Oceancraft Sailboats - Update .... 4<br /> Amy &amp; Brad<br /> RED RASCAL, Part 4 of 12 ............ 6<br /> Tom Davison<br /> Flicka Maintenance<br /> Hatch Lens Replacement ............... 12<br /> Daryl Clark<br /> Flicka Outfitting<br /> Movies &amp; Safety Gear ..................... 11<br /> Tom Davison<br /> Flicka Parts<br /> New Hatch or a Seahood? ............. 4<br /> Oceancraft Sailboats<br /> Flicka Passages<br /> 100 Day Vancouver Island<br /> Circumnavigation ........................... 16<br /> John Hazen, Jr.<br /> Flicka Profile<br /> s/y DULCINEA .................................. 27<br /> Tom Davison<br /> Flicka Projects<br /> A New Boarding Ladder ................ 30<br /> Daryl Clark<br /> A Step For The Flicka ..................... 32<br /> Bob Collier<br /> Flicka Rendezvous<br /> Rosario Resort .................................. 3</p> 7.00
Winter 2014, Vol 16 #1 56th 2014 16 1 Winter Tom Davison

Summary of Contents for 56th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

Flicka Stands and Cradles
Cribbing and Boat Stands ................ 4
Tom Davison
HEART of GOLD’s Cradle ................. 6
Tom Davison
A Jowi Cradle for ZANZIBAR .......... 14
Tom Davison
Lifting A Flicka .................................... 18
Tom Davison
Hauling A Flicka ................................. 22
Tom Davison
Flicka Factory Cradle ........................ 24
Tom Davison
Supporting RED RASCAL ................. 25
Bob Collier
Shopping For A Cradle ...................... 26

<p>Flicka Stands and Cradles<br /> Cribbing and Boat Stands ................ 4<br /> Tom Davison<br /> HEART of GOLD’s Cradle ................. 6<br /> Tom Davison<br /> A Jowi Cradle for ZANZIBAR .......... 14<br /> Tom Davison<br /> Lifting A Flicka .................................... 18<br /> Tom Davison<br /> Hauling A Flicka ................................. 22<br /> Tom Davison<br /> Flicka Factory Cradle ........................ 24<br /> Tom Davison<br /> Supporting RED RASCAL ................. 25<br /> Bob Collier<br /> Shopping For A Cradle ...................... 26</p> 11.50
Winter 2013, Vol 15 #7 55th 2013 15 7 Winter Tom Davison

Summary of Contents for 55th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

2014 Publication Schedule

About Flicka Friends
Flicka Building
RED RASCAL, Part 3 of 12
Bob Collier

Flicka Maintenance
Refitting s/y ELSA
Ian Williams

Flicka Passages
TYCHE’s Great Adventure
Doug W. Eaton

Flicka Projects
Water Tank Inspection Port
Daryl Clark

Adding Your Boat Name
Daryl Clark

Flicka Trips
Exploring Santa Cruz Island
Clint Lewis 

<p>2014 Publication Schedule <br /> <br /> About Flicka Friends <br /> Flicka Building<br /> RED RASCAL, Part 3 of 12<br /> Bob Collier</p> <p><br /> Flicka Maintenance<br /> Refitting s/y ELSA<br /> Ian Williams</p> <p><br /> Flicka Passages<br /> TYCHE’s Great Adventure<br /> Doug W. Eaton</p> <p><br /> Flicka Projects<br /> Water Tank Inspection Port<br /> Daryl Clark</p> <p><br /> Adding Your Boat Name<br /> Daryl Clark</p> <p><br /> Flicka Trips<br /> Exploring Santa Cruz Island<br /> Clint Lewis&#160;</p> 10.30
Fall 2013, Vol 15 #6 54th 2013 15 6 Fall Tom Davison

Summary of Contents for 54th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

Flicka Photos ................................................. 2
A Great Issue! ................................................ 3
About Flicka Friends ..................................... 3
Flicka Passages
Flying and Buying My Flicka .......... 10
Richard Lawless
Destination Charlevoix ...................... 16
Randy Richardson
The Last Thing You Check ................ 26
Bill Hogan
Flicka Ports
Friday Harbor, WA ............................ 24
Tom Davison
Flicka Projects
Building A Flicka, Part II .................. 6
Bob Collier
The Sooty Water Blues ...................... 7
Christopher Quint
A New D.S.C. Radio ............................ 8
Randy Richardson
Getting The Right Part ...................... 9
Tom Davison
Flicka Gear
Totes and Duffels ................................ 16
Tom Davison

<p>Flicka Photos ................................................. 2<br /> A Great Issue! ................................................ 3<br /> About Flicka Friends ..................................... 3<br /> Flicka Passages<br /> Flying and Buying My Flicka .......... 10<br /> Richard Lawless<br /> Destination Charlevoix ...................... 16<br /> Randy Richardson<br /> The Last Thing You Check ................ 26<br /> Bill Hogan<br /> Flicka Ports<br /> Friday Harbor, WA ............................ 24<br /> Tom Davison<br /> Flicka Projects<br /> Building A Flicka, Part II .................. 6<br /> Bob Collier<br /> The Sooty Water Blues ...................... 7<br /> Christopher Quint<br /> A New D.S.C. Radio ............................ 8<br /> Randy Richardson<br /> Getting The Right Part ...................... 9<br /> Tom Davison<br /> Flicka Gear<br /> Totes and Duffels ................................ 16<br /> Tom Davison</p> 14.90
Summer 2013, vol 15 #5 53rd 2013 15 5 Summer Tom Davison

Summary of Contents for 53rd editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

A photo edition containing lots of lovely Flicka images!

Flicka Photos:
1.! ZANZIBAR!................................! 1
2.! WHISPER!...................................! 2
3.! KALIA!.........................................! 3
4.! NO NAME YET!..........................! 3
5. ! WHISPER!...................................! 4
6.! TRITON!......................................! 4
7.! BALLO LISCIO!.........................! 5
8.! BALLO LISCIO!.........................! 5
9. ! TUESDAY’S CHILD!..................! 6
10.! BLUE SKIES!...............................! 7
11.! ZANZIBAR!................................! 8
12.! ZANZIBAR!................................! 8
13.! ZANZIBAR!................................! 9
14.! ZANZIBAR!................................! 9
15.! ENTERPRISE!.............................! 10
16.! SYNTHESIS II!............................! 11
17.! SPARKY!......................................! 12
18.! SPARKY!......................................! 12
19.! SPARKY!......................................! 12
20.! WINDSHIFT II!..........................! 13
21.! WINDSHIFT II!..........................! 13
22.! WINDSHIFT II!..........................! 13
23.! WINDSHIFT II!..........................! 13
24.! SARNIA!......................................! 14

<p>A photo edition containing lots of lovely Flicka images!</p> <p>Flicka Photos:<br /> 1.! ZANZIBAR!................................! 1<br /> 2.! WHISPER!...................................! 2<br /> 3.! KALIA!.........................................! 3<br /> 4.! NO NAME YET!..........................! 3<br /> 5. ! WHISPER!...................................! 4<br /> 6.! TRITON!......................................! 4<br /> 7.! BALLO LISCIO!.........................! 5<br /> 8.! BALLO LISCIO!.........................! 5<br /> 9. ! TUESDAY’S CHILD!..................! 6<br /> 10.! BLUE SKIES!...............................! 7<br /> 11.! ZANZIBAR!................................! 8<br /> 12.! ZANZIBAR!................................! 8<br /> 13.! ZANZIBAR!................................! 9<br /> 14.! ZANZIBAR!................................! 9<br /> 15.! ENTERPRISE!.............................! 10<br /> 16.! SYNTHESIS II!............................! 11<br /> 17.! SPARKY!......................................! 12<br /> 18.! SPARKY!......................................! 12<br /> 19.! SPARKY!......................................! 12<br /> 20.! WINDSHIFT II!..........................! 13<br /> 21.! WINDSHIFT II!..........................! 13<br /> 22.! WINDSHIFT II!..........................! 13<br /> 23.! WINDSHIFT II!..........................! 13<br /> 24.! SARNIA!......................................! 14</p> 8.90
Summer 2013, vol 15 #4 52nd 2013 15 4 Summer Tom Davison

Summary of Contents for 52nd editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

The Flicka is Back! ......................................... 2
A Detour To Olympia .................................... 3
About Flicka Friends ..................................... 3
Flicka Projects
Building a Flicka: Part 1 ................... 4
Bob Collier
Galley Improvements ........................ 7
Jerry Ragland
Draining The Cooler ........................... 14
Tom Davison
Adding Air Conditioning .................. 16
Bob Collier
Refitting s/y VALENTINE ................. 18
Dennis Pratt
Flicka Trips
Exploring Power Island .................... 10

<p>The Flicka is Back! ......................................... 2<br /> A Detour To Olympia .................................... 3<br /> About Flicka Friends ..................................... 3<br /> Flicka Projects<br /> Building a Flicka: Part 1 ................... 4<br /> Bob Collier<br /> Galley Improvements ........................ 7<br /> Jerry Ragland<br /> Draining The Cooler ........................... 14<br /> Tom Davison<br /> Adding Air Conditioning .................. 16<br /> Bob Collier<br /> Refitting s/y VALENTINE ................. 18<br /> Dennis Pratt<br /> Flicka Trips<br /> Exploring Power Island .................... 10</p> 7.60
Spring 2013, vol 15 #3 51st 2013 15 3 Spring Tom Davison

Summary of Contents for 51st editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

Contents!................................................! 2
About Flicka Friends!.............................! 3
Flicka Photos:
1.! ZANZIBAR!................................! 1
2.! ZANZIBAR!................................! 2
3.! ZANZIBAR & BEN MAIN Jr.!..! 3
4.! ELISE! !.......................................! 4
5. ! BEN MAIN, Jr.!...........................! 4
6.! SWEET PEA!...............................! 5
7. ! SWEET PEA!...............................! 5
8.! ENTERPRISE!.............................! 6
9.! ENTERPRISE!.............................! 6
10.! ENTERPRISE!.............................! 6
11.! ENTERPRISE!.............................! 6
12.! ENTERPRISE!.............................! 7
13.! ENTERPRISE!.............................! 7
14.! ENTERPRISE!.............................! 7
15.! ZANZIBAR!................................! 8
16.! ZANZIBAR!................................! 8
17.! ZANZIBAR!................................! 9
18.! BEN MAIN, Jr. !..........................! 9
19.! WHISPER!...................................! 10

<p>Contents!................................................! 2<br /> About Flicka Friends!.............................! 3<br /> Flicka Photos:<br /> 1.! ZANZIBAR!................................! 1<br /> 2.! ZANZIBAR!................................! 2<br /> 3.! ZANZIBAR &amp; BEN MAIN Jr.!..! 3<br /> 4.! ELISE! !.......................................! 4<br /> 5. ! BEN MAIN, Jr.!...........................! 4<br /> 6.! SWEET PEA!...............................! 5<br /> 7. ! SWEET PEA!...............................! 5<br /> 8.! ENTERPRISE!.............................! 6<br /> 9.! ENTERPRISE!.............................! 6<br /> 10.! ENTERPRISE!.............................! 6<br /> 11.! ENTERPRISE!.............................! 6<br /> 12.! ENTERPRISE!.............................! 7<br /> 13.! ENTERPRISE!.............................! 7<br /> 14.! ENTERPRISE!.............................! 7<br /> 15.! ZANZIBAR!................................! 8<br /> 16.! ZANZIBAR!................................! 8<br /> 17.! ZANZIBAR!................................! 9<br /> 18.! BEN MAIN, Jr. !..........................! 9<br /> 19.! WHISPER!...................................! 10</p> 2.20
Spring 2013, vol 15 #2 50th 2013 15 2 Spring Tom Davison

Summary of Contents for 50th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

Writing An Article ........................................... 2
Fifty Issues of Flicka Friends ......................... 3
About Flicka Friends ....................................... 3
Flicka Articles
A Day With Bruce Bingham .................... 4
Bob Collier
Flicka Trips
Sea of Cortez Cruising .............................. 6
Steve Smith
1. General Considerations ....................... 6
2. Trailering Conditions .......................... 9
3. Sailing in the Sea of Cortez .................. 11
4. Destinations ......................................... 14
5. Communication .................................... 20
6. Sea of Cortez References ..................... 21
Two Flickas on Grand Traverse Bay .... 26
Tom Davison
Flicka Profiles
Finding MOTU in Santa Barbara .......... 24
Clint Lewis
Flicka Projects
Water Tank Cover ...................................... 22
Dick Behan
Moving the Fuel Shutoff Lever .............. 23
Randy Richardson
Traveler Upgrade ....................................... 32
Tom Davison
Flicka Harbors
Northport Marina ...................................... 30
Tom Davison
Flicka Dining
El Toro Guero, San Jose de Cabo ........... 33

<p>Writing An Article ........................................... 2<br /> Fifty Issues of Flicka Friends ......................... 3<br /> About Flicka Friends ....................................... 3<br /> Flicka Articles<br /> A Day With Bruce Bingham .................... 4<br /> Bob Collier<br /> Flicka Trips<br /> Sea of Cortez Cruising .............................. 6<br /> Steve Smith<br /> 1. General Considerations ....................... 6<br /> 2. Trailering Conditions .......................... 9<br /> 3. Sailing in the Sea of Cortez .................. 11<br /> 4. Destinations ......................................... 14<br /> 5. Communication .................................... 20<br /> 6. Sea of Cortez References ..................... 21<br /> Two Flickas on Grand Traverse Bay .... 26<br /> Tom Davison<br /> Flicka Profiles<br /> Finding MOTU in Santa Barbara .......... 24<br /> Clint Lewis<br /> Flicka Projects<br /> Water Tank Cover ...................................... 22<br /> Dick Behan<br /> Moving the Fuel Shutoff Lever .............. 23<br /> Randy Richardson<br /> Traveler Upgrade ....................................... 32<br /> Tom Davison<br /> Flicka Harbors<br /> Northport Marina ...................................... 30<br /> Tom Davison<br /> Flicka Dining<br /> El Toro Guero, San Jose de Cabo ........... 33</p> 2.50
Winter 2013, vol 15 #1 49th 2013 15 1 Winter Tom Davison

Summary of Contents for 49th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

1.! ZANZIBAR!......................................! 1
2.! BEN MAIN, Jr.!................................! 2
3.! BLUE SKIES!....................................! 3
4.! ZANZIBAR!......................................! 4
5. !ZANZIBAR!......................................! 4
6.! ZANZIBAR!......................................! 5
7. !ZANZIBAR!......................................! 5
8.! BEN MAIN, Jr.!................................! 6
9. !BEN MAIN, Jr.!................................! 6
10.! BEN MAIN, Jr. & ZANZIBAR!......! 7
11.! BEN MAIN, Jr. & ZANZIBAR!......! 7
12.! ZANZIBAR!......................................! 8
13.! ZANZIBAR.!.....................................! 8
14.! BEN MAIN, Jr. & ZANZIBAR!......! 9
15.! ZANZIBAR!......................................! 9
16.! BLUE SKIES!....................................! 10
17.! SARNIA!............................................! 10
18.! DAISY!...............................................! 11
19.! ZANZIBAR!......................................! 12

<p>1.! ZANZIBAR!......................................! 1<br /> 2.! BEN MAIN, Jr.!................................! 2<br /> 3.! BLUE SKIES!....................................! 3<br /> 4.! ZANZIBAR!......................................! 4<br /> 5. !ZANZIBAR!......................................! 4<br /> 6.! ZANZIBAR!......................................! 5<br /> 7. !ZANZIBAR!......................................! 5<br /> 8.! BEN MAIN, Jr.!................................! 6<br /> 9. !BEN MAIN, Jr.!................................! 6<br /> 10.! BEN MAIN, Jr. &amp; ZANZIBAR!......! 7<br /> 11.! BEN MAIN, Jr. &amp; ZANZIBAR!......! 7<br /> 12.! ZANZIBAR!......................................! 8<br /> 13.! ZANZIBAR.!.....................................! 8<br /> 14.! BEN MAIN, Jr. &amp; ZANZIBAR!......! 9<br /> 15.! ZANZIBAR!......................................! 9<br /> 16.! BLUE SKIES!....................................! 10<br /> 17.! SARNIA!............................................! 10<br /> 18.! DAISY!...............................................! 11<br /> 19.! ZANZIBAR!......................................! 12</p> 2.87
Winter 2012, vol 14 #2 48th 2012 14 2 Winter Tom Davison

Summary of Contents for 48th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

 Your Help Is Needed! ..................... 2
Florida Flicka Rendezvous ............ 2
Three Flicka Newsletters? ............. 3
About Flicka Friends ..................... 3
Articles for Flicka Friends ............. 4

<p>&#160;Your Help Is Needed! ..................... 2<br /> Florida Flicka Rendezvous ............ 2<br /> Three Flicka Newsletters? ............. 3<br /> About Flicka Friends ..................... 3<br /> Articles for Flicka Friends ............. 4</p> 5.02
Fall 2009, vol 14, #1 47th 2009 14 1 Summer Daryl Clark

Summary of Contents for 47th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

A Tall Ship? ........................... 2
Tom Davison
Cover Photos ......................... 3
About Flicka Friends ............ 3
Sail To Elk Rapids ................. 4
Tom Davison
Gallery: Elk Rapids ............... 6
Flicka Project:
Gelcoat Repair ................ 10
By Tom Davison
Silver Bay Marina .................. 12
By Tom Davison
Gallery: Silver Bay Marina .... 14

<p>A Tall Ship? ........................... 2<br /> Tom Davison<br /> Cover Photos ......................... 3<br /> About Flicka Friends ............ 3<br /> Sail To Elk Rapids ................. 4<br /> Tom Davison<br /> Gallery: Elk Rapids ............... 6<br /> Flicka Project:<br /> Gelcoat Repair ................ 10<br /> By Tom Davison<br /> Silver Bay Marina .................. 12<br /> By Tom Davison<br /> Gallery: Silver Bay Marina .... 14</p> 0.80
Fall 2008, Vol 13, #3 46th 2008 13 3 Fall Daryl Clark

Summary of Contents for 46th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

Introducing Editor -Daryl Clark
Flicka Webmaster - Angus Beare
Pacific Coast Adventure - William McKemy
Owners Corner - Celtic Turtle—Flicka 413 - Jim Samuels
A Little Boat Goes Along Way - Angus Beare
Gear for Speed

<p>Introducing Editor -Daryl Clark<br /> Flicka Webmaster - Angus Beare<br /> Pacific Coast Adventure - William McKemy<br /> Owners Corner - Celtic Turtle—Flicka 413 - Jim Samuels<br /> A Little Boat Goes Along Way - Angus Beare<br /> Gear for Speed</p> 1.98
Summer 2008, Vol 13, #2 45th 2008 13 2 Summer Tom Davison

Summary of Contents for 45th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

Flicka Burgee
Tom Davison

Shooting In the Rain
Tom Davison

Flicka Photography With A
Camera and Two lenses

Tom Davison

Camera and Lens Selection
For Flicka Photography

Tom Davison

Keeping Your Camera Safe
Aboard Your Flicka

Tom Davison

Taking Brokerage Photos
of your Flicka

Tom Davison

<p><strong>Flicka Burgee</strong><br /> <em>Tom Davison</em></p> <p><strong>Shooting In the Rain</strong><br /> <em>Tom Davison</em></p> <p><strong>Flicka Photography With A<br /> Camera and Two lenses</strong><br /> <em>Tom Davison</em></p> <p><strong>Camera and Lens Selection<br /> For Flicka Photography</strong><br /> <em>Tom Davison</em></p> <p><strong>Keeping Your Camera Safe<br /> Aboard Your Flicka</strong><br /> <em>Tom Davison</em></p> <p><strong>Taking Brokerage Photos<br /> of your Flicka</strong><br /> <em>Tom Davison</em></p> 1.16
Spring 2008, Vol 13, #1 44th 2008 13 1 Spring Tom Davison

Summary of Contents for 44th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

Sailing On Lake Charlevoix -- Tom Davison

Northport, Michigan

Charlevoix, Michigan

East Jordan, Michigan

Boyne City, Michigan

Charlevoix, Michigan

Suttons Bay, Michigan

<p>Sailing On Lake Charlevoix -- Tom Davison</p> <p>Northport, Michigan</p> <p>Charlevoix, Michigan</p> <p>East Jordan, Michigan</p> <p>Boyne City, Michigan</p> <p>Charlevoix, Michigan</p> <p>Suttons Bay, Michigan</p> 1.64
Summer 2007, Vol 12, #2 43rd 2007 12 2 Summer Tom Davison

Summary of Contents for 43rd editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

A New Beginning -- Tom Davison

An Octogenarian Aboard -- Tom Davison

A Young Sailor Comes full Circle at 40 -- Blake Perlingieri

<p>A New Beginning -- Tom Davison</p> <p>An Octogenarian Aboard -- Tom Davison</p> <p>A Young Sailor Comes full Circle at 40 -- Blake Perlingieri</p> 0.98
Spring 2007, Vol 12, #1 42nd 2007 12 1 Spring Tom Davison

Summary of Contents for 42nd editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

Beaver Island Rendezvous -- Tom Davison

Bahamas Sailing Aboard s/y JUBILEE -- Frank Durant

<p>Beaver Island Rendezvous -- Tom Davison</p> <p>Bahamas Sailing Aboard <strong>s/y JUBILEE</strong> -- Frank Durant</p> 1.02
Winter 2006, Vol 11, #4 41st 2006 11 4 Winter Tom Davison

Summary of Contents for 41st editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

Eye Splices -- Tom Davison

Sailing in the Snow -- Tom Davison

Exploring the Sacramento Delta -- Bert Felton

<p>Eye Splices -- Tom Davison</p> <p>Sailing in the Snow -- Tom Davison</p> <p>Exploring the Sacramento Delta -- Bert Felton</p> 1.21
Fall 2006, Vol 11, #3 40th 2006 11 3 Fall Tom Davison

Summary of Contents for 40th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

Bowsprit Alternative: Aluminum and Teak -- Steve Grisanti

Port replacement for s/y
MOJO -- Bill Overman

Fall Sailing on Lake Michigan -- Tom Davison

<p><font face="Times New Roman" size="2"><font color="#000000">Bowsprit Alternative: Aluminum and Teak -- Steve Grisanti</font></font></p> <p><font face="Times New Roman" size="2"><font color="#000000"><br /> </font><font color="#000000">Port replacement for s/y </font></font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000" size="2"><strong>MOJO </strong></font><font face="Times New Roman" size="2"><font color="#000000">-- Bill Overman</font></font></p> <p><font face="Times New Roman" size="2"><font color="#000000"><br /> </font><font color="#000000">Fall Sailing on Lake Michigan -- Tom Davison</font></font></p> 0.66
Summer 2006, Vol 11, #2 39th 2006 11 2 Summer Tom Davison

Summary of Contents for 39th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

3,200 Miles to Windward -- Jeffrey Frederick

A Wooden Cradle for Your Flicka -- Tom Davison

Sailing a Flicka by Chance: Delivery of s/y TANOMOSHI by Takashi Nishiyama, translated by Sam Yoshimura

<p>3,200 Miles to Windward -- Jeffrey Frederick</p> <p>A Wooden Cradle for Your Flicka -- Tom Davison</p> <p>Sailing a Flicka by Chance: Delivery of s/y <strong>TANOMOSHI</strong> by Takashi Nishiyama, translated by Sam Yoshimura</p> 1.26
Spring 2006, Vol 11, #1 38th 2006 11 1 Spring Tom Davison

Summary of Contents for 38th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

Rendezvous Schedule

  • Flicka Circumnavigation Planned Aboard s/y SOMEDAY -- Greg Dawson
  • Restoring a Rare Original Gaff Rigged Flicka -- Steve Grisanti
  • Flicka Profile: s/y
    JUNO -- Christopher Toomey
  • Adding a Boom Gallows -- Bill Overman
  • Storing Your Flicka Out of the Weather -- Tom Davison

    <p><font size="2" face="Times New Roman">Rendezvous Schedule<br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Flicka Circumnavigation Planned Aboard s/y </font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><strong>SOMEDAY</strong></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"> -- Greg Dawson<br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Restoring a Rare Original Gaff Rigged Flicka -- Steve Grisanti<br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Flicka Profile: s/y </font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><strong>JUNO</strong></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"> -- Christopher Toomey<br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Adding a Boom Gallows -- Bill Overman<br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Storing Your Flicka Out of the Weather -- Tom Davison</font><font size="3" face="Times New Roman"><strong><br /> </strong></font> <font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><br /> </font></p> 1.03
    Winter 2005, Vol 10, #4 37th 2005 10 4 Winter Tom Davison

    Summary of Contents for 37th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    Seneca Lake Rendezvous -- Tom Foster

  • Heading for Canada on the Erie Canal -- Gill Outerbridge
  • A New Engine for
    CARAWAY -- Angus Beare
  • Flicka Profile:
    KAWABUNGA! -- Charlie Dewell
  • Replacing the Bowsprit on Your Flicka -- James Boles

    <p><font size="2" face="Times New Roman">Seneca Lake Rendezvous -- Tom Foster<br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Heading for Canada on the Erie Canal -- Gill Outerbridge<br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>A New Engine for </font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><strong>CARAWAY</strong></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"> -- Angus Beare<br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Flicka Profile: </font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><strong>KAWABUNGA! </strong></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman">-- Charlie Dewell<br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Replacing the Bowsprit on Your Flicka -- James Boles</font></p> 1.66
    Fall 2005, Vol 10, #3 36th 2005 10 3 Fall Tom Davison

    Summary of Contents for 36th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    Another Photo Issue? -- Tom Davison

  • Flicka Owner's Manual? -- Tom Davison
  • The Annual Repainting of
    MARITIME's hull. -- Shin Kurata
  • DART's Voyage: Exploring the Canals of Canada -- Gill Outerbridge
  • Our First Overnight Passage Aboard s/y KARA DU -- Brian and Ruth Eklund
  • Sailing to Power Island -- Tom Davison
  • Flicka Profile: s/y
    PASSAGES -- Tom Davison
  • Flicka Bowsprits --
    Hal DeVaney

    <p><font size="2" face="Times New Roman">Another Photo Issue? -- </font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><em>Tom Davison</em></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Flicka Owner's Manual? --</font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><em> Tom Davison</em></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>The Annual Repainting of </font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><strong>MARITIME's </strong></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman">hull. -- </font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><em>Shin Kurata</em></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><strong>DART's</strong></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"> Voyage: Exploring the Canals of Canada -- </font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><em>Gill Outerbridge<br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font></em></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman">Our First Overnight Passage Aboard s/y </font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><strong>KARA DU -- </strong></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><em>Brian and Ruth Eklund<br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font></em></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman">Sailing to Power Island -- </font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><em>Tom Davison</em></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Flicka Profile: s/y </font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><strong>PASSAGES </strong></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman">-- </font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><em>Tom Davison</em></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Flicka Bowsprits -- </font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><em>Hal DeVaney</em></font></p> 1.19
    Summer 2005, Vol 10, #2 35th 2005 10 2 Summer Tom Davison

    Summary of Contents for 35th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    Thank You (To everyone that helped in the first ten years!)

  • s/y MARITIME Arrives In Yokohama--Shin Kurata
  • Flicka Rendezvous: 2005 Long Island--
    George Rodriguez
  • Far East Flicka Lovers: Sailing on Tokyo Bay--
    Shin Kurata
  • Flicka Profile: s/y
  • Replacing the Navigation Instruments Aboard
    BEN MAIN, Jr.-- Tom Davison

    <p><font size="2" face="Times New Roman">Thank You (To everyone that helped in the first ten years!)<br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>s/y </font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><strong>MARITIME</strong></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"> Arrives In Yokohama--</font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><em>Shin Kurata</em></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Flicka Rendezvous: 2005 Long Island--</font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><em>George Rodriguez</em></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Far East Flicka Lovers: Sailing on Tokyo Bay--</font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><em>Shin Kurata</em></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Flicka Profile: s/y </font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><strong>SWEET PEA</strong></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Replacing the Navigation Instruments Aboard </font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><strong>BEN MAIN, Jr</strong></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman">.-- </font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><em>Tom Davison</em></font></p> 1.11
    Spring 2005,Vol 10, #1 34th 2005 10 1 Spring Tom Davison

    Summary of Contents for 34th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    Flicka Friends Needs Articles--Tom Davison

    Weekend Wx Planner--Tom Davison

    Restoring the Gelcoat of s/v BEN MAIN, Jr.--Tom Davison

    Adding Solar Cells to s/v PUNKER DOODLE--Lee Crockett

    s/v Q.E.D.--Dave Kenyon

    The Canals of France in Caraway--Angus Beare

    <p>Flicka Friends Needs Articles--Tom Davison</p> <p>Weekend Wx Planner--Tom Davison</p> <p>Restoring the Gelcoat of <strong>s/v BEN MAIN, Jr.</strong>--Tom Davison</p> <p>Adding Solar Cells to <strong>s/v PUNKER DOODLE</strong>--Lee Crockett</p> <p><strong>s/v Q.E.D.</strong>--Dave Kenyon</p> <p>The Canals of France in <strong>Caraway</strong>--Angus Beare</p> 1.48
    Fall 2004, Vol 9, #2 33rd 2004 9 2 Fall Tom Davison

    Summary of Contents for 33rd editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    The End of Another Season

  • Sailing Lake Michigan -- Suttons Bay--All by Tom Davison
  • Sailing Lake Michigan -- Omena Point
  • Sailing Lake Michigan -- Northport
  • Sailing Lake Michigan -- Beaver Island Crossing
  • Sailing Lake Michigan -- Exploring Beaver Island
  • Sailing Lake Michigan -- Leaving Beaver Island
  • Sailing Lake Michigan -- Gray's Reef / White Shoal
  • Sailing Lake Michigan -- Mackinac Bridge
  • Sailing Lake Huron -- Mackinac City
  • Sailing Lake Huron -- Mackinac Island
  • Sailing Lake Huron -- On To Hessel
  • Sailing Lake Huron -- Hessel
  • Sailing Lake Huron -- Martin Reef Lighthouse
  • Sailing Lake Huron -- Heading For DeTour Passage
  • Sailing Lake Huron -- St. Mary's River
  • Sailing Lake Huron -- DeTour Marina
  • Loading
    BEN MAIN, Jr. for the Homeward Passage

    <p><font size="2" face="Times New Roman">The End of Another Season<br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Sailing Lake Michigan -- Suttons Bay--All by Tom Davison<br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Sailing Lake Michigan -- Omena Point<br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Sailing Lake Michigan -- Northport<br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Sailing Lake Michigan -- Beaver Island Crossing<br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Sailing Lake Michigan -- Exploring Beaver Island<br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Sailing Lake Michigan -- Leaving Beaver Island<br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Sailing Lake Michigan -- Gray's Reef / White Shoal<br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Sailing Lake Michigan -- Mackinac Bridge<br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Sailing Lake Huron -- Mackinac City<br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Sailing Lake Huron -- Mackinac Island<br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Sailing Lake Huron -- On To Hessel<br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Sailing Lake Huron -- Hessel<br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Sailing Lake Huron -- Martin Reef Lighthouse<br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Sailing Lake Huron -- Heading For DeTour Passage <br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Sailing Lake Huron -- St. Mary's River<br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Sailing Lake Huron -- DeTour Marina<br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Loading </font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><strong>BEN MAIN, Jr. </strong></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman">for the Homeward Passage<br /> </font> <font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><br /> </font></p> 1.23
    Summer 2004, Vol 9 #1 32nd 2004 9 1 Summer Tom Davison

    Summary of Contents for 32nd editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    • Flicka Friends Needs Articles--Tom Davison
    • Weekend Wx Planner--Tom Davison
    • Restoring the Gelcoat of s/v
      BEN MAIN, Jr.--Tom Davison
    • Adding Solar Cells to s/v
      PUNKER DOODLE--Lee Crockett
    • s/v
      Q.E.D.--Dave Kenyon



    <ul><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><strong><font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font></strong></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman">Flicka Friends Needs Articles--Tom Davison<br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Weekend Wx Planner--Tom Davison<br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Restoring the Gelcoat of s/v </font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><strong>BEN MAIN, Jr.--</strong></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman">Tom Davison<br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Adding Solar Cells to s/v </font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><strong>PUNKER DOODLE</strong></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman">--Lee Crockett<br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>s/v </font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><strong>Q.E.D</strong></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman">.--Dave Kenyon<br /> </font></ul> <p>&#160;</p> <p>&#160;</p> 0.85
    Fall 2003, Vol 8, #3 31st 2003 8 3 Fall Tom Davison

    Summary of Contents for 31st editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    Trailer Recommendations--Lee Crockett

  • Flicka Towing Advice--Mal Misuraca
  • HOTSPUR's Trail-Rite Trailer--Eric Jungemann
  • Tom's New Triad Trailer--
    Tom Davison
  • Getting the Mast Down--
    Tom Davison
  • Delivery of a New Trailer--Tuning the Setup--
    Tom Davison
  • Building a Cradle for Your Flicka--
    Rik Sandberg

    <p><font size="2" face="Times New Roman">Trailer Recommendations--</font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><em>Lee Crockett</em></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Flicka Towing Advice--</font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><em>Mal Misuraca </em></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font> </font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><strong>HOTSPUR</strong></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman">'s Trail-Rite Trailer--</font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><em>Eric Jungemann</em></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Tom's New Triad Trailer--</font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><em>Tom Davison</em></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Getting the Mast Down--</font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><em>Tom Davison</em></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Delivery of a New Trailer--Tuning the Setup--</font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><em>Tom Davison</em></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Building a Cradle for Your Flicka--</font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><em>Rik Sandberg</em></font></p> 1.04
    Summer 2003, Vol 8, #2 30th 2003 8 2 Summer Tom Davison

    Summary of Contents for 30th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    From the Editor--Tom Davison

  • Shroud Modification--Eric Jungemann
  • SABRINA's Round Long Island Race--Bruce P. Bingham
  • San Francisco Bay Rendezvous--
    Eric Jungemann
  • Cruising the Sea of Cortez aboard s/v
    PUNKER DOODLE--Lee Crockett
  • Rigging Specifications--
    Chuck Garret
  • Flicka Companionway Dodger Aboard
    HOTSPUR -- Eric Jungemann
  • Flicka No. 1's First Day--Bruce P. Bingham

    <p><font size="2" face="Times New Roman">From the Editor--</font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><em>Tom Davison </em></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font> Shroud Modification--</font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><em>Eric Jungemann</em></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font> </font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><strong>SABRINA</strong></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman">'s Round Long Island Race--</font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><em>Bruce P. Bingham</em></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>San Francisco Bay Rendezvous--</font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><em>Eric Jungemann</em></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Cruising the Sea of Cortez aboard s/v </font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><strong>PUNKER DOODLE</strong></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman">--</font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><em>Lee Crockett</em></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Rigging Specifications--</font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><em>Chuck Garret</em></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font>Flicka Companionway Dodger Aboard </font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><strong>HOTSPUR</strong></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"> -- </font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><em>Eric Jungemann<br /> <font size="2" color="#836967"> <li>&#160;</li> </font></em></font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman">Flicka No. 1's First Day--</font><font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><em>Bruce P. Bingham</em></font></p> 1.30
    Spring 2003, Vol 8, #1 29th 2003 8 1 Spring Tom Davison

    Summary of Contents for 29th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    Return of the Flicka--Pacific Seacraft

    A Flicka Rally in Mexico?--Lee Crockett

    Getting  s/v PUNKER DOODLE Ready to Cruise--Lee Crockett

    A Trial Run for s/v IRISH HURRICANE -- Hal DeVaney

    Flicka Profile: s/v BABY GRAND --Tom Davison

    A Boat Cover for s/v HOTSPUR --Eric Jungemann

    PUNKER DOODLE Goes South for the Winter--Lee Crockett

    <p>Return of the Flicka--Pacific Seacraft</p> <p>A Flicka Rally in Mexico?--Lee Crockett</p> <p>Getting&#160; <strong>s/v PUNKER DOODLE</strong> Ready to Cruise--Lee Crockett</p> <p>A Trial Run for <strong>s/v IRISH HURRICANE</strong> -- Hal DeVaney</p> <p>Flicka Profile: <strong>s/v BABY GRAND</strong> --Tom Davison</p> <p>A Boat Cover for <strong>s/v HOTSPUR</strong> --Eric Jungemann</p> <p><strong> PUNKER DOODL</strong>E Goes South for the Winter--Lee Crockett</p> 0.93
    Winter 2002 28th 2002 7 4 Winter Tom Davison

    Summary of Contents for 28th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    Introduction--Sterling Weatherford

    The Cost of A Flicka--Tom Davison

    A Little History Before We Begin--Sterling Weatherford

    The Cost of A Flicka: TIFFANY ANN--Sterling Weatherford

    <p>Introduction--Sterling Weatherford</p> <p>The Cost of A Flicka--Tom Davison</p> <p>A Little History Before We Begin--Sterling Weatherford</p> <p>The Cost of A Flicka: TIFFANY ANN--Sterling Weatherford</p> 0.71
    Fall 2002, Vol 7, #3 27th 2002 7 3 Fall Tom Davison

    Summary of Contents for 27th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    Pesto and Playa Pounds--Bill and Liz Ronstadt

    My First Boat: s/y CARAWAY--Angus Beare

    Barkley Sound Rendezvous--Gary Kreis

    The Lake Washington Ship Canal--Lee Crockett

    <p>Pesto and Playa Pounds--Bill and Liz Ronstadt</p> <p>My First Boat: <strong>s/y CARAWAY</strong>--Angus Beare</p> <p>Barkley Sound Rendezvous--Gary Kreis</p> <p>The Lake Washington Ship Canal--Lee Crockett<br /> <font size="2" face="Times New Roman"> </font> <font size="2" face="Times New Roman"> </font></p> 0.59
    Summer 2002, Vol 7, #2 26th 2002 7 2 Summer Tom Davison

    Summary of Contents for 26th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    Isthmus Cove--Hal DeVaney

    Blake Island State park--Gary Kreis

    Flicka Trailers and the Decision to Buy Used--Lee Crockett

    Installing the Gaff Main on s/y BEN MAIN, Jr.--Tom Davison

    Loading a Flicka--Charlie Dewell

    Punker Doodle's Maiden Road Trip-- Lee Crockett

    <p>Isthmus Cove--Hal DeVaney</p> <p>Blake Island State park--Gary Kreis</p> <p>Flicka Trailers and the Decision to Buy Used--Lee Crockett</p> <p>Installing the Gaff Main on <strong>s/y BEN MAIN, Jr</strong>.--Tom Davison</p> <p>Loading a Flicka--Charlie Dewell</p> <p>Punker Doodle's Maiden Road Trip-- Lee Crockett</p> 0.92
    Spring 2002, Vol 7, #1 25th 2002 7 1 Spring Tom Davison

    Summary of Contents for 25th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    Back Issues--Tom Davison

    Flicka Rendezvous Schedule

    s/y WINDFIDDLER--Tom Foster

    s/y MOTU Sails South--ED Melinn

    The Last Voyage of s/y SOLAR WIND--Jobst Vandrey

    A Recovering Large Boat Owner--Dan Nathan

    <p>Back Issues--Tom Davison</p> <p>Flicka Rendezvous Schedule</p> <p><strong>s/y WINDFIDDLER</strong>--Tom Foster</p> <p><strong>s/y MOTU </strong>Sails South--ED Melinn</p> <p>The Last Voyage of <strong>s/y SOLAR WIND</strong>--Jobst Vandrey</p> <p>A Recovering Large Boat Owner--Dan Nathan</p> 0.66
    Winter 2001, Vol 6, #4 24th 2001 6 4 Winter Tom Davison

    Summary of Contents for 24th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    Flicka is Out of Production--Pacific Seacraft

    All Aboard--Tom Davison

    Distant Horizons--Rod Bruckdorfer

    Self-Steering for a Flicka--Jobst Vandrey

    YAHOO Flicka20 Group--Tom Davison

    s/v KITTIWAKE and the Gulf--Hal DeVaney

    Ten Things Every Flicka Owner Should Know--Ray Rippel

    <p>Flicka is Out of Production--Pacific Seacraft</p> <p>All Aboard--Tom Davison</p> <p>Distant Horizons--Rod Bruckdorfer</p> <p>Self-Steering for a Flicka--Jobst Vandrey</p> <p>YAHOO Flicka20 Group--Tom Davison</p> <p>s/v KITTIWAKE and the Gulf--Hal DeVaney</p> <p>Ten Things Every Flicka Owner Should Know--Ray Rippel</p> 0.93
    Fall 2001, Vol 6, #3 23rd 2001 6 3 Fall Tom Davison

    Summary of Contents for 23rd editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    This edition contains just one article, but it's a good one!  By Bruce Bingham on how he conceived the Flicka.

    Flicka--A Happy Little Ship--Bruce P. Bingham

    <p>This edition contains just one article, but it's a good one!&#160; By Bruce Bingham on how he conceived the Flicka.</p> <p>Flicka--A Happy Little Ship--<font size="2" face="Times New Roman"><em>Bruce P. Bingham</em></font></p> 0.16
    Summer 2001, Vol 6, #2 22nd 2001 6 2 Summer Tom Davison

    Summary of Contents for 22nd editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    One Way to Get A Flicka--Finishing it off--Dave Kenyon

    Newsletter or "E-Zine"--Tom Davison

    s/v MARITIME in Japan--Tom Davison

    Flicka Home Page--Tom Davison

    More Q.E.D. Photos--Dave Kenyon

    Inboard or Outboard?--Tom Davison

    <p>One Way to Get A Flicka--Finishing it off--Dave Kenyon</p> <p>Newsletter or "E-Zine"--Tom Davison</p> <p>s/v MARITIME in Japan--Tom Davison</p> <p>Flicka Home Page--Tom Davison</p> <p>More Q.E.D. Photos--Dave Kenyon</p> <p>Inboard or Outboard?--Tom Davison</p> 0.32
    Spring 2001, Vol 6, #1 21st 2001 6 1 Spring Tom Davison

    Summary of Contents for 21st editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    Flicka Performance Under Sail--Rod Bruckdorfer

    The Missing Jib--Tom Davison

    The Weather Legacy of Admiral Sir Francis Beaufort--Keith C. Heirdon, PhD, ACM

    The Beaufort Scale and the Flicka--Tom Davison

    Flicka Displacement--Tom Davison

    Table--The Beaufort Scale and Flicka Sail Selection-T. Davison

    Table--Flicka Sail Area and Sail Balance--Tom Davison

    Table--Sail Area vs. Displacement--Tom Davison

    Table--The Flicka's Sail Carrying Ability--Tom Davison

    Table--The Flicka's Heal Angle--Tom Davison

    <p>Flicka Performance Under Sail--Rod Bruckdorfer</p> <p>The Missing Jib--Tom Davison</p> <p>The Weather Legacy of Admiral Sir Francis Beaufort--Keith C. Heirdon, PhD, ACM</p> <p>The Beaufort Scale and the Flicka--Tom Davison</p> <p>Flicka Displacement--Tom Davison</p> <p>Table--The Beaufort Scale and Flicka Sail Selection-T. Davison</p> <p>Table--Flicka Sail Area and Sail Balance--Tom Davison</p> <p>Table--Sail Area vs. Displacement--Tom Davison</p> <p>Table--The Flicka's Sail Carrying Ability--Tom Davison</p> <p>Table--The Flicka's Heal Angle--Tom Davison</p> 0.22
    Winter 2000, Vol5, #4 20th 2000 5 4 Winter Tom Davison

    Summary of Contents for 20th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    One Way to Get A Flicka, Next, Add a Deck--Dave Kenyon

    The Great Loop--Gill Outerbridge

    Practical Sailor Review < /p>

    New Flicka Specs--Tom Davison< /p>

    Planning Your Trip--Tom Davison

    Flicka Photos Needed--Tom Davison< /p>

    Adding Another Room to s/v BEN MAIN, Jr.--Tom


    Saying Good-bye--George Purifoy

    More About BEN MAIN, Jr.--Tom Davison

    <p>One Way to Get A Flicka, Next, Add a Deck--Dave Kenyon</p> <p>The Great Loop--Gill Outerbridge</p> <p>Practical Sailor Review &lt; /p&gt;</p> <p>New Flicka Specs--Tom Davison&lt; /p&gt;</p> <p>Planning Your Trip--Tom Davison</p> <p>Flicka Photos Needed--Tom Davison&lt; /p&gt;</p> <p>Adding Another Room to s/v BEN MAIN, Jr.--Tom</p> <p>Davison</p> <p>Saying Good-bye--George Purifoy</p> <p>More About BEN MAIN, Jr.--Tom Davison</p> 0.93
    Fall 2000, Vol 5, #3 19th 2000 5 3 Fall Tom Davison

    Summary of Contents for 19th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    One Way to Get a Flicka, Start with the Hull--Dave Kenyon

    Women's Issue of Flicka Friends?--Tom Davison

    Two Great Stories--Tom Davison

    Small Craft Advisor--Joshua Colvin

    A New Flicka!--Tom Davison

    s/v KAWABUNGA--Tom Davison

    The Flicka is Back!--Tom Davison

    Flicka Profile: BEN MAIN, Jr.--Tom Davison

    Installing Radar on s/v HOTSPUR, # 386--Eric Jungemann

    <p>One Way to Get a Flicka, Start with the Hull--Dave Kenyon</p> <p>Women's Issue of Flicka Friends?--Tom Davison</p> <p>Two Great Stories--Tom Davison</p> <p>Small Craft Advisor--Joshua Colvin</p> <p>A New Flicka!--Tom Davison</p> <p>s/v <strong>KAWABUNGA</strong>--Tom Davison</p> <p>The Flicka is Back!--Tom Davison</p> <p>Flicka Profile: <strong>BEN MAIN, Jr</strong>.--Tom Davison</p> <p>Installing Radar on s/v <strong>HOTSPUR</strong>, # 386--Eric Jungemann</p> 1.10
    Summer 2000, Vol 5, #2 18th 2000 5 2 Summer Tom Davison

    Summary of Contents for 18th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    s/v RAPPORT Sails for Hawaii--Jill Geary

    m/v SCAMPER--Geoff Pratt

    Flicka Profile: s/v SHILOH--Jill Geary

    Bermuda Passage, Part Two--Thomas A. Murphy

    <p>s/v <strong>RAPPORT</strong> Sails for Hawaii--Jill Geary</p> <p>m/v <strong>SCAMPER</strong>--Geoff Pratt</p> <p>Flicka Profile: s/v <strong>SHILOH</strong>--Jill Geary</p> <p>Bermuda Passage, Part Two--Thomas A. Murphy</p> 1.26
    Spring 2000, Vol 5, #1 17th 2000 5 1 Spring Tom Davison

    Summary of Contents for 17th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    Tom Davison takes overs as editor with Dennis Pratt the publisher and treasurer.

    Bermuda Passage, Part One--Thomas A. Murphy

    Hatch Board Storage Box--Dennis Heams

    <p>Tom Davison takes overs as editor with Dennis Pratt the publisher and treasurer.</p> <p>Bermuda Passage, Part One--Thomas A. Murphy</p> <p>Hatch Board Storage Box--Dennis Heams</p> 0.21
    Spring 1999, Vol 4, #4 16th 1999 4 4 Spring Dennis Pratt

    Summary of Contents for 16th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    A Hidden Place--Pete Wakeland

    Two Winters Ago--Bill Barnes

    Good Old Boat--Karen Larsen

    Sailing the British Virgin Islands--Bob Tonks

    Fish got to swim, Bird got to fly--Saul Hershenov

    Esperanza's new Owners--Tom Davison

    Bristol Boats--Bill Strop

    Flicka Boat Names--Tom Davison

    <p>A Hidden Place--Pete Wakeland</p> <p>Two Winters Ago--Bill Barnes</p> <p>Good Old Boat--Karen Larsen</p> <p>Sailing the British Virgin Islands--Bob Tonks</p> <p>Fish got to swim, Bird got to fly--Saul Hershenov</p> <p>Esperanza's new Owners--Tom Davison</p> <p>Bristol Boats--Bill Strop</p> <p>Flicka Boat Names--Tom Davison</p> 0.30
    Winter 1998, Vol 4, #3 15th 1998 4 1 Winter Dennis Pratt

    Summary of Contents for 15th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    Flicka Photo Issue

    Where is hull 261?

    <p>Flicka Photo Issue</p> <p>Where is hull 261?</p> 1.31
    Fall 1998, Vol 4, #2 14th 1998 4 2 Fall Dennis Pratt

    Summary of Contents for 14th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    Voyage to America--From America--John Hazen, Jr.

    Not all I dreamed of, but--Dennis Pratt

    A little shower makes a Flicka cozier--Walter T. Fandel

    Copy of Scrollwork discovered in files--Dennis Pratt

    Rendezvous set for July 19 & 20 near Chicago--Dennis Pratt

    <p>Voyage to America--From America--John Hazen, Jr.</p> <p>Not all I dreamed of, but--Dennis Pratt</p> <p>A little shower makes a Flicka cozier--Walter T. Fandel</p> <p>Copy of Scrollwork discovered in files--Dennis Pratt</p> <p>Rendezvous set for July 19 &amp; 20 near Chicago--Dennis Pratt</p> 0.33
    Summer 1998, Vol 4, #1 13th 1998 4 1 Summer Tom Davison

    Summary of Contents for 13th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    s/v SELECTED RISKS, Voyage of a Pocket Battleship--Anthony Steward

    It is a Small World--Tom Davison

    Bristol Boats--Bill Strop

    Flicka Trailer for Sale--Jan Allen & John Wolstenholme

    By the Way--Tom Davison

    Engines, Schedules and Plans--Rod Bruckdorfer

    <p>s/v SELECTED RISKS, Voyage of a Pocket Battleship--Anthony Steward</p> <p>It is a Small World--Tom Davison</p> <p>Bristol Boats--Bill Strop</p> <p>Flicka Trailer for Sale--Jan Allen &amp; John Wolstenholme</p> <p>By the Way--Tom Davison</p> <p>Engines, Schedules and Plans--Rod Bruckdorfer</p> 0.28
    Spring 1998, Vol 3, #4 12th 1998 3 4 Spring Dennis Pratt

    Summary of Contents for 12th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter


    Kawabunga (Dude?)!--Charlie & Margaret Dewell

    For Hire?--Gill Outerbridge

    Bristol Boats--Bill Strop

    Flicka Fever hits Catalina Island--Jill Geary

    <p>s/v AFRICAN MOON</p> <p>Kawabunga (Dude?)!--Charlie &amp; Margaret Dewell</p> <p>For Hire?--Gill Outerbridge</p> <p>Bristol Boats--Bill Strop</p> <p>Flicka Fever hits Catalina Island--Jill Geary</p> 1.46
    Winter 1997, Vol 3, #3 11th 1997 3 3 Winter Dennis Pratt

    Summary of Contents for 11th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    Hiking a Double Tombolo--Tom Davison

    Winter Project aboard MOONSHADOW--Jerry Lanich

    The blistering truth of VARUA, # 62--Val Kask

    <p>Hiking a Double Tombolo--Tom Davison</p> <p>Winter Project aboard MOONSHADOW--Jerry Lanich</p> <p>The blistering truth of VARUA, # 62--Val Kask</p> 1.46
    Fall 1997, Vol 3, #2 10th 1997 3 2 Fall Dennis Pratt

    Summary of Contents for 10th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    Sailing in the Apostle Islands--Tom Davison

    Sight unseen and still a beauty--Bill Schmidt

    Let's stow the mast more professionally--Walter T. Fandel

    A few improvements from Peter Wakeland

    <p>Sailing in the Apostle Islands--Tom Davison</p> <p>Sight unseen and still a beauty--Bill Schmidt</p> <p>Let's stow the mast more professionally--Walter T. Fandel</p> <p>A few improvements from Peter Wakeland</p> 1.65
    Summer 1997, Vol 3, #1 9th 1997 3 1 Summer Dennis Pratt

    Summary of Contents for 9th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    Sometimes...not steering is just fine--Dennis Pratt

    A vane recollection of steering vanes I have known--John Hazen, Jr.

    Sailing PRINCE OF WHALES on Lake Michigan--Tom Davison

    <p>Sometimes...not steering is just fine--Dennis Pratt</p> <p>A vane recollection of steering vanes I have known--John Hazen, Jr.</p> <p>Sailing PRINCE OF WHALES on Lake Michigan--Tom Davison</p> 1.48
    Spring 1997, Vol 2, #4 8th 1997 2 4 Spring Dennis Pratt

    Summary of Contents for 8th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    Voyage to America--From America--John Hazen, Jr.

    Not all I dreamed of, but--Dennis Pratt

    A little shower makes a Flicka cozier--Walter T. Fandel

    Copy of Scrollwork discovered in files--Dennis Pratt

    Rendezvous set for July 19 & 20 near Chicago--Dennis Pratt

    <p>Voyage to America--From America--John Hazen, Jr.</p> <p>Not all I dreamed of, but--Dennis Pratt</p> <p>A little shower makes a Flicka cozier--Walter T. Fandel</p> <p>Copy of Scrollwork discovered in files--Dennis Pratt</p> <p>Rendezvous set for July 19 &amp; 20 near Chicago--Dennis Pratt</p> 1.76
    Winter 1997, Vol 2, #3 7th 1997 2 3 Winter Dennis Pratt

    Summary of Contents for 7th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    Flickas have a hearty American origin--Dennis Pratt

    What's wrong with this picture--Dennis Pratt

    Bears, Wolves, mountain goats and a moose-Bob/Tina Robinson

    18th century inventor spend his life pursuing the correct time--Dennis Pratt

    Odds & Ends

    <p>Flickas have a hearty American origin--Dennis Pratt</p> <p>What's wrong with this picture--Dennis Pratt</p> <p>Bears, Wolves, mountain goats and a moose-Bob/Tina Robinson</p> <p>18th century inventor spend his life pursuing the correct time--Dennis Pratt</p> <p>Odds &amp; Ends</p> 1.76
    Fall 1996, Vol 2, #2 6th 1996 2 2 Fall Dennis Pratt

    Summary of Contents for 6th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    Dennis Pratt: Hoist the Yard, Set the Braces, Relax..

    Bob Tonks: An Adventure in Paradise

    R.J. Morris: Your boat has sunk

    <p>Dennis Pratt: Hoist the Yard, Set the Braces, Relax..</p> <p>Bob Tonks: An Adventure in Paradise</p> <p>R.J. Morris: Your boat has sunk</p> 0.50
    Summer 1996, Vol 2, #1 5th 1996 2 1 Summer Dennis Pratt

    Summary of Contents for 5th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    A Flicka Friends visits the PSC Factory--Bill Strop

    We are now eighty-five strong & growing--Dennis Pratt

    Rendezvous held in Port Townsend, WA--Dennis Pratt

    <p>A Flicka Friends visits the PSC Factory--Bill Strop</p> <p>We are now eighty-five strong &amp; growing--Dennis Pratt</p> <p>Rendezvous held in Port Townsend, WA--Dennis Pratt</p> 0.52
    Spring 1996, Vol 1, #4 4th 1996 1 4 Spring Dennis Pratt

    Summary of Contents for 4th editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    The Call of the Wild--Sail to Alaska--Robert Robinson

    We are now seventy-six strong & growing--Dennis Pratt

    <p>The Call of the Wild--Sail to Alaska--Robert Robinson</p> <p>We are now seventy-six strong &amp; growing--Dennis Pratt</p> 1.03
    Winter 1995, Vol 1, #3 3rd 1995 1 3 Winter Dennis Pratt

    Summary of Contents for 3rd editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    Gill and DART take on Cape Fear--Gill Outerbridge

    Flicka Exchange Proposed--Gill Outerbridge

    One size, Flickas come in many styles and colors--Various Projects and Ideas

    Bristol Boats--Bill Strop

    The Midnight Samaritan--John C. Ellis

    Circumnavigate Anyone?--Gill Outerbridge

    The Upcoming Directory--Dennis Pratt

    <p>Gill and DART take on Cape Fear--Gill Outerbridge</p> <p>Flicka Exchange Proposed--Gill Outerbridge</p> <p>One size, Flickas come in many styles and colors--Various Projects and Ideas</p> <p>Bristol Boats--Bill Strop</p> <p>The Midnight Samaritan--John C. Ellis</p> <p>Circumnavigate Anyone?--Gill Outerbridge</p> <p>The Upcoming Directory--Dennis Pratt</p> 1.17
    Fall 1995, Vol 1, #2 2nd 1995 1 2 Fall Dennis Pratt

    Summary of Contents for 2nd editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    Windward Pilgrim sails to Tahiti--John Hazen, Jr.

    First issue generates nearly 40 responses from two continents--Dennis Pratt

    Home built in Dunkirk, New York--Dennis Pratt

    <p>Windward Pilgrim sails to Tahiti--John Hazen, Jr.</p> <p>First issue generates nearly 40 responses from two continents--Dennis Pratt</p> <p>Home built in Dunkirk, New York--Dennis Pratt</p> 0.48
    Summer 1995, Vol 1, #1 1st 1995 1 1 Summer Dennis Pratt

    Summary of Contents for 1st editition of Flicka Friends Newsletter

    First issue asks for volumes of help--Dennis Pratt

    Reader contributions desperately needed--Dennis Pratt

    And then came the launch on April 20th--Dennis Pratt

    Home built Flickas in Michigan--Dennis Pratt

    A deep green beauty in North Point Harbor--Dennis Pratt

    Colorado Sailors in the Great Lakes--Dennis Pratt

    Hull number six found in Port Washington, Wisconsin--Dennis Pratt

    <p>First issue asks for volumes of help--Dennis Pratt</p> <p>Reader contributions desperately needed--Dennis Pratt</p> <p>And then came the launch on April 20th--Dennis Pratt</p> <p>Home built Flickas in Michigan--Dennis Pratt</p> <p>A deep green beauty in North Point Harbor--Dennis Pratt</p> <p>Colorado Sailors in the Great Lakes--Dennis Pratt</p> <p>Hull number six found in Port Washington, Wisconsin--Dennis Pratt</p> 0.49